Chapter 21

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"Let's go." he said.

It was raining heavily. We managed to get to the bus stop without getting drenched. We sat at the benches keeping a good distance in between us. I would die of this awkwardness. The bus arrived and we got in. There were not many passengers due to rain I guess. Jay was standing all the way to the stop near my house as he was wearing a raincoat. Soon we arrived and got out.

"Y-you can go now." I said.

"Its ok. Your house is near from here." he said and we started walking. I can't see anyone on the road. It felt as if this was an abandoned area. Kinda scary. I stopped on my track and Jay who was behind me as well. I was struggling with my backpack, guitar and umbrella. It was hard to carry all three together and as for me I was already out of energy. He noticed this and walked towards me. Without even speaking anything he took the umbrella from my hand and held it above my head.
I looked at him. We were this close after a very long time, excluding the library incident.

"Don't stare. Let's go or else you will get soaked." he snapped me out of the thoughts. For the first time in a while I felt softness in his voice. He is caring about me?

We reached my house and I pressed the bell without wasting any time. Hyung opened the door.

"Ahh jung come on step in." he said.

"Jay you also come in." he smirked as he knew that I was ignoring Jay and now he walked me home. I rolled my eyes.

"No hyung, I'll just go."

"Oh Jay come in." my mother spoke from behind. Jay was refusing. Expected. He stopped coming here a long time ago. I got in and Jay went home. Aish, his umbrella!! I should return it tomorrow.

"Here." I placed Jay's umbrella on his desk and before he could even reply I walked to my seat.

"Class, be ready with your textbooks." the teacher said as he entered the class.

"So class don't you think we need some teamwork in our class?" everyone groaned. Ugh group project!!

"And what about a picnic after the project?" the teacher raised his eyebrow.

"LET'S GOOO FOR A PICNIC!! SKIP THE PROJECT PART!" Jake screamed. This boy's loud, he reminds me of old Jay.

"Jake, Jake calm down. Let me explain to you." the teacher sighed. "So you will be having a group project. One group should have at least five to six students. And the topic should be anything about environment."

"Sir, it's the most boring topic." Sunoo whined. Let me tell you Jake and Sunoo are one of the top students of our class and then too they hate studying, like seriously?

"Sunoo, it's fun because there is a twist." all eyes were on him. "YOU HAVE TO DO THAT PROJECT IN ENGLISH!!" The moment he uttered those words everyone turned towards Jake and Jay there Jake was tightening his collar. Dramatic. Once again he reminded me of the old Jay, Jungwon focus, meanwhile the new Jay was sitting expressionless. Jungwon focus.

"Class concentrate!!" the teacher ordered. "You will get just two days to do the project. Today is Friday and you have to submit it on Monday. And as I told you about the picnic, it's not a picnic but a study tour. Which will be on Monday itself." he explained every detail of the study tour.

"Jakeyyyy, my friend!!" Sunoo exclaimed once the teacher got out of the class. Hoon hyung and Niki walked towards us.

"Our friend." Hoon hyung added.

"Woah woah there Sunoo you were the one who said I'm crazy that day!! And now I am your friend"

"But jakeyy!!! I know we are the only friends of yours in this class!! So let's do it together." I said but still that boy was smirking mischievously.

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