Chapter 19

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Jungwon's POV

"Three to four days from now Korea will be experiencing heavy rainfall. We suggest you stay at your house and be safe if you are going out." the news reports said. My father changed the channel and it was the same news again.

"Jungwon, Heeseung you heard what they are saying right? It will rain heavily so be careful okay?" mom said as she served us our breakfast.

"Yes" both of us replied.

"Jungwon, can't you skip school for these three days? I mean if you get drenched, then you will get sick."

"No dad, I will be fine."

"He's right Jungwon -"

"Mom, I'll be fine. Don't worry."

"Want a ride?" Hyung asked.

I was going to say no but then my dear friend Jake popped in my mind. I nodded excitedly. I took my phone out of the pocket and texted my friends to stand out of the gate. I am planning something evil to do. Fortunately they all agreed as the rain stopped just a few minutes ago.

We reached and I saw my friends. Jake was panicking and others were laughing.
"Hyung, yesterday Sunghoon hyung said he was missing you, wanna meet him?" I lied and he nodded.

He parked the car and got out with me. I stood beside Jake . He was sending glares to me. I bet deep inside he was happy.

"Hey Sunghoon."

"Hi Heeseung." He emphasised more on Heeseung. They both hugged and others smirked looking at the poor aussie boy.

"Hello guys." Hyung greeted everyone and he ruffled Niki's hair. He always does that to Niki. He's our little baby. Niki looked at Jake. Jealousy was screaming from Jake's face.

"So, Sunghoon, you were missing me?"

"Who told you?" Hoon hyung was confused.

"Hyung you were missing him. You said yesterday." I covered up the lie and Sunghoon hyung played along as well.

"Heeseung, my friend I missed you a lot." Sunghoon hyung whined and tightly hugged Heeseung hyung. Drama.

He always reminds me of Jay. Speaking of him he was standing quietly. As expected.

"Oh, I missed y-"

"LET'S GOO!! THE CLASS WILL START NOW!!" Jake screamed and all of us other than Heeseung hyung who was clueless, smirked.

"There's more time left for the first lecture Jake." Sunoo said.

"Ok t-then you c-can s-stay I'll go-go."

"Just stay Jake!" Jay joined as well. Surprising.

Sunghoon hyung decided to make him more jealous. "Sungiee, let's go out this weekend?"

"Actually, I already have a plan with a friend of mine. I guess you should meet him too. His name Wooyoung and his boyfriend San will come too."

"Jung Wooyoung, Choi San?" Sunghoon hyung asked.

"Oh yes, them. But how do you know them?"

"We are in the same dance academy."

Heeseung Hyung replied, "Then it will be more fun. We all know each other."

"Hyung, Jake wants to say something to you." I said as I pushed Jake slightly in front of him.

"Oh Jake what is it?" Hyung smiled and I guess Jake's heart did a backflip.

"I-I w-wanted to-to s-say t-that t-that that"

"Why are you shuttering?"


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