Chapter 17

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"Wooahhh long time no see." they hugged. "What are you doing here?"

"Hanging out and more specifically I am not on a date."

"Wooahhh there you have a partner already?"

"Uh yes." Jake rubbed his nape.

"Oh I am hanging out too but with my friends hehe. This is Sunoo and this is Jay and guys this is Felix, my middle school friend." He introduced them. Jake and elix chatted a bit until..

"Baby I am back. Gosh the restroom was full so it-"

"Guys meet my girlfriend." Felix said grinning and others glanced at her.

Then they looked at Felix, in disbelief. It took a moment for them to process everything.

"Fe-Felix, are you sure she's your girlfriend?"

"What do you mean by sure Jake? Of course she's my girlfriend and we have been dating for more than a year now." Felix chuckled.

"WHATTTT??!" Sunoo screamed.

"Wait, do you know her?"

It was silent. No one dared to say anything. Shock was plastered on their faces other than Felix's.

"Yes, we know each other." Jay broke the long awaited silence. "Right Choi Eunha?"

"Ja-" she reached for his hand.

"What? Now do you want to say you can explain, it's not true, he's your friend?" He retracted his hand.

"This means Jungwon was right. You really are a bitch."

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you call-"

"Felix, she's cheating on you and Jay as well." Jake spoke.

"What? You are kidding right?" Felix's eyes were wide open.

"No, we are not kidding. She is dating Jay and you at the same time."

"You were making fun of me right? You were just using my money!!" Jay spat out.

"Ja- I am s-"

"Wow then you must be dating me for money as well. Gosh this is embarrassing."

"No, Fe-"

"Shut up Eunha, is this the reason you never talked about your school?Thank God Jake we met or else I would be still thinking this wench loves me." with this Felix left


"Shut up!!! I kept defending you every time Jungwon tried telling me you were cheating and now!!!....Just stay away from me." Jay left too and the other two boys followed him.

They exited the mall. Sunoo and Jake were kinda happy that they decided to come here. 'Jungwon we did it.' Jake said to himself. After a while they reached a park and sat on the bench provided.

3rd Person POV

"Uh- Jay are-"

"I'm fine Sunoo. I don't care. "


"I said I am fine and first thing I wasn't that in love with her. Just her face was attractive and nothing less. She is just a creepy clingy girl. I am angry just because that bitch was spending my money and I didn't even realise it." he said, staring at the ground. "And most important thing, I believed people would love a cold hearted person like me." he chuckled.

Sunoo and Jake looked at each other. "Yeah no one can love you that's why we are here with you right?" Jake crossed his arms, "Just your cold behaviour doesn't decide that you are a bad person!! Dumb, we love you ok!!!!?"

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