Chapter 27

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Sunoo's POV

"Our rectangular is in the blo-" my singing was interrupted when I heard the door creak. I turned and it was Sunghoon hyung.

"Oh hyung, you need something?"

"Oh no. It's just that we go home together and now that you are practising, I thought I should stay with you so that we will go back together." he said rubbing his nape and sat two seats away from me. My face heated up when I saw him staring. To avoid this I resumed practising.

My voice was still cracking. I clicked my tongue in frustration when I got it wrong again.

"Sunoonie it's fine, don't worry." he said.

"But, it's really frustrating when everyone in my group can sing well other than me." I said in a sad tone. I could feel him getting up from his seat. He sat beside me and held my shoulder.

"Don't compare yourself with others, okay? Not every child is the same and here if you'll practise more you can sing even more better than everyone else. And let me tell you whatever you do, it's my favourite." I gasped.

"Hyung, don't play with me." I said, staring at the ground.

"I'm not playing Sunoonie. It's a fact. I like you." He said without hesitating.


"Are you surprised? I thought you knew this. I like you Sunoo." I was shocked after hearing it. I was so flustered that it took me minutes to get back to reality.

"Well for now let's not talk about it. Let me help you." he chuckled.

"You could sing?"

"Of course I can. I love dancing as well as singing." he said, taking out his phone to hear the song so that he could help me.

"Oh so here don't stretch this part ok?" I nodded. "And for this one, try to sing more loudly so that it will be easy to reach the notes, but not so loudly that it looks like you are screaming." he said and asked me to try singing.

I tried but in the first attempt I couldn't make it. I tried the second time and luckily I was able to hit the notes without my voice cracking. It made me happy. Once again I sang the same part as hyung told me to and again I was able to sing it properly.

"Ahh Hyung thank you!!!!" I yelled happily.

"See I told you if you practise, you can sing better." he said, ruffling my hair.

"But even after practising, I couldn't sing better." I pouted. "Thanks to you tha-" before I could finish, he grabbed my cheeks and kissed me on the lips. I widened my eyes, then shut them tightly. He didn't move his lips, just our lips were locked. After a few seconds he pulled out.

"I told you not to pout in front of me. I had enough of it so I just couldn't control myself." he said. Why am I still, after him, kissing me without my consent? And the kiss!! he pulled out so quickly.

I didn't say anything so he got up. To leave. Now I couldn't control myself. I pulled him back and connected our lips once again. He was shocked this time. And now it wasn't just our lips touching, it was a real kiss. He smirked and smiled in between. When we pulled out he was staring at me and I was avoiding it.

"I-I'm I- h-yu-" I was shuttering!! "Ugh ahhhh you made me do this!!! First you gave me this 'Sunoonie' nickname when no one ever thought to give me one. I thought you were just playing with me so I used to shrug off the thought of liking you. Whenever you winked, patted my head, creased my cheek, ruffled my hair, bopped my nose, flicked my forehead, I got butterflies in my stomach. Whenever I used to pout, everytime you used to say you won't control yourself next time and now that you lost control, you just connected your lips with mine. That wasn't even a perfect kiss, yet it was something that I wanted more, so I kissed you!! Now don't just stare at me, say something or I'm going!!". I let out in one go.

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