Chapter 23

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We started with tree planting and a few other environmental activities. It was fine, Jay and I interacted only where needed like when we were planting trees he dug the soil and asked me to do the remaining work. It was a relief that he wasn't acting like a jerk. As for now.

The final activity before our lunch was scavenger hunting. The same old school tour activities. This is boring and with this person it's boring as well as awkward. We found almost all the listed things.

"Ohh the carved stone is up, on that branch." I tried to reach it but it was high so I jumped but still couldn't reach it.

"I'll get it." Jay said. He did a high jump and easily got the stone down. Wow, I am jealous of them. They are allowed to do every physical activity unlike me.

"Jungwon, your medicines are with you right? When your symptoms show up, please take them." I smiled.

He's caring about me? "For today don't make me a bad person. If something happens to you, everyone will blame me. Don't act dummy today." and it dropped. Even now, he's caring about himself. And, do I make him a bad person? If something happens to me, will he be blamed? Just because we are paired up?

3rd Person POV

Sunghoon and Sunoo were doing pretty well in this activity.

"Hyung we got everything!" Sunoo giggled and Sunghoon just smiled at the boy.

"You did well Sunoonie." he said while patting his head.

"D-don't ca-call me S-Sunoonie."

"Why? Does it fluster you?" he smirked.

"Choose one, Sunoonie or baby."

"WHATT??!!!" Sunoo gasped. "Can't you just call me Sunoo?" he pouted. No one spoke. "What happened hyung?"

"Sunoo, don't pout again. I won't control myself next time." Sunghoon said in a serious tone and walked away leaving Sunoo in a trauma.

"Won't control again?? What's wrong with him!!?" Sunoo thought and followed Sunghoon.

All of them gathered in the tents beside the forest line. They had their lunch and were ready for the forest trek. But, it started raining. Half an hour passed and it was raining.

"When will this rain stop?" Jungwon whispered but Jay heard it.

"Why? Are you enjoying being with me?" Jungwon opened his mouth to speak but Jay cut him off. "It's just for today."

Jungwon was hurt but he's still smiling to hide that. He remembered Jay's words 'Everyone will blame me'. Jungwon got up and sat beside Sunghoon.
"Hyung, can I pair with you please?"

"What happened to Jungwon? Is something wrong?"

"No, but can I stay with you li-"

"Students, it's not raining that heavily. Let's go. Carry your umbrellas with you." the teacher cut Jungwon off.

"Hyung let's go." Sunoo dragged Sunghoon.
'I have no choice.' Jungwon sighed

The teacher divided the class into two groups and luckily all these friends were together.
"We have grouped you. Students on the right side follow me and the rest of you follow Mr. Park" Jungwon and other followed Mr. Kim.

Once they were deep inside the forest Mr. Kim spoke, "See from here, don't be in a group. You have to move in a pair which were made in the beginning. After we finish this part of the forest we will move to the other part." he said and the pairs started moving.

"Jungwon, you remember what I told you right?" Jay asked with a straight face.

"If something happens, tell me immediately or blow the whistle." Jungwon nodded.

Faint love II JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now