Chapter 16

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They were at the karaoke as Niki suggested. Niki and Sunghoon were against going with Sunoo and Jake first, but Jungwon convinced them. And Jake being loud they were quick to get along with him. Sunoo was still not talking with Sunghoon because of the punch incident.

Sunoo's and Jake's eyes widened when Jungwon Finished singing 'Broken Melodies' by NCT Dream.

"What happened?" Jungwon asked, looking at them.

"Y-YOUR VOICE!!!" Jake screamed.

"Ugh Jake don't scream." Niki pressed his hands on his ears. "What about his voice?"

"Why does it have to be so beautiful?" Sunoo said in disbelief to which Jungwon chuckled.

"Ahhh Jungwon, I am sorry!! I was really wrong when I said your voice will be boring!!" Jake whined and hugged Jungwon.

Jungwon patted his back, "It's ok Jake."

"Our Jungwon's voice is my favourite!!" Sunghoon said.

"From now on, mine too!" Sunoo exclaimed. "But you usually sing alone, like you have never revealed your voice to anyone other than Niki but today you sang in front of us."

"I am not confident in Sunoo. I don't like when people dislike my voice. If you want to hate me do it, but my singing is the only thing which makes me forget my worries and I don't want people to hate it."

"We are so sorry Jungwon. I know just a 'sorry' can't make you and us forget what we did to you but seriously we regret it."

"It's ok. Let's forget our past and be good friends now and as you said I don't usually sing in front of others, yes I don't but when I feel the person won't hate it, I do sing in front of them."

"That means-"

"Yes, Jake I am already forgetting our past. I am believing that you won't hate me now." His kind words made Jake and Sunoo regret their actions.

"Ohh I don't know if it's the right time to ask but when we were, you know talking shit about your voice, Jay said your voice is beautiful, I mean he became flustered after saying that. How did he know your voice?Have you-?"

"We were friends."

"WHATTTT?!!!!" Sunoo Jake screamed together. Jungwon and Niki explained everything about their relationship with Jay.

"Oh my God, Jungwon I-I- what should I say?"

"No need to say anything. Just forget everything!!"

Jungwon was not that happy when Jake mentioned what Jay said about him. He was still not able to forget everything. He wanted some time for that. He called Taehyun when they left school and he suggested that he should forget and ignore Jay for some days. Jungwon's stubborn but he always listened to his brother, Niki and Taehyun. They spent one more hour there and now are finally leaving that place.

"Jake, Sunoo don't you think being with us will affect yours and Jay's friendship. I mean now I don't have any problem with you staying with us but what about Jay? He has not talked with yall since recess." Niki's question made Jake and Sunoo feel bad.

But it wasn't their fault to leave Jay. He's the one who has been ignoring them since the incident happened in the cafeteria.

"We'll see about that niiie- Niki."

"It's ok Sunoo you both can call me niii." Niki giggled.

"Then let us call you Jakeyy and sunnn.'' This boy loves naming ceremonies.

"Nopeeeee, sunnn is for hee-" Jake stopped and covered his mouth when he realised what he was going to say. Others stopped walking too.

"I mean-"

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