Chapter 29

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3rd person's POV

"Students it is the en-" the teacher was cut off when he felt a presence of someone standing behind him.

"Teacher, it's not the end, my performance is remaining." there stood Jungwon with his guitar and a smile.

Everyone was surprised at the view. His friends were happy to know that Jungwon finally built the courage in him and went up to the stage.

"Sure Jungwon. So next up is Jungwon!!" Mr. Kim smiled widely.

The mic was put up in front of Jungwon. He sat on the chair and spoke, "So, uh I wasn't going to perform, but I think I need to do it for someone." he took a pause and looked right into Jay's eyes, "I wanted to tell him how much I love him, but I didn't get any chance. If I don't do it now, it won't be possible ever. Because I don't know if I'm living or dying in two days." he paused again as he gulped the lump which had formed in his throat.

Niki started crying as well and everyone was on edge.

"J-Jay, it's kinda filmy but I want to convey what I feel for you through this song." all eyes were on Jay. He closed his eyes and opened them after a moment. He got up from his seat trying to leave. "Jay please stay." Jungwon pleaded.

Niki grabbed his hand to pull him back to his seat. "He's dying Jay. Please not now, just for today." He said while sniffing. Jay gave in and sat back. It was silent for a solid minute. No one was uttering a word.

'I still don't know who it is' he started playing guitar.

'Although I have an image drawn out
But I'm not worried that you'll be different
From what I imagined
Even if I can't do anything
Mu days aren't at a waste'
Because time has to pass.' Jungwon closed his eyes shut, memories flowing in his head. He opened his eyes to look at his lover who was staring him back but with an emotionless face.

'In order for me to meet you
So I can recognize you
You, who I've never seen before
When I finally meet you, on a day I can't predict
When we finally become a "we"
So I won't just pass by you
So I can recognize you
Please stay that way'

'If you are in love right now
Please have a beautiful love
Although I am very jealous
Still, I wish you are happy
The passionate love and cold people
That you have experienced
When you meet me, you won't even remember them' this part ached his heart. Tears were threatening to fall.

Everyone was drowned in Jungwon's angelic voice.

'In order for me to meet you
So I can recognize you
You, who I've never seen before
When I finally meet you, on a day I can't predict
When we finally become a "we"
So I won't just pass by you
So I can recognize you
Please stay that way'

'You, who I've never seen before
When I finally meet you, on a day I can't predict Some day, in front of you
I will embrace everything
So I can recognize you
I will find you
Please stay that way, please stay that way
Please stay that way' His eyes were shut at the end.

Just as it began, it ended with silence. No one said anything. Jay, who was staring at the boy on the stage, now looked away. No one was able to predict what he was feeling. Niki and Jake were a crying mess along with Taehyun. Heeseung was holding back just to look strong in front of his brother. Jungwon got up from his seat which snapped everyone out of their thoughts. They all applauded, obviously amazed by his singing. Jungwon was afraid everyone would hate his voice but it was the opposite. Everyone was appreciating it. Only claps and good remarks were heard.

Faint love II JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now