Chapter 5

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When they reached home they changed and had their dinner. Jungwon was feeling uneasy about the incident that happened earlier. So he decided to tell Niki. He went upstairs and sat on his bed. He called Niki and told him everything.

(Time skip to school).

"What a play girl!" Said Niki looking at Eunha who was clinging like a koala on Jay's arm.

"Should I tell him?"

"No, Jungwon don't act stupid. He and the others will kill you!" Niki warned him.

"Jungwon , I think you should just forget this thing. I know it's wrong but Jeonghan hyung said you need to take care of yourself. Don't mess with her. What she's doing is wrong and Jay will know this one day. I'll help you with this. But for now your health is more important than him?"

"Niki I know you all are worried about me but I'll be fine. And I know you must be thinking that once Eunha got out of Jay's life I'll be having more chances but Nii she's playing with his emotions and he will be hurt."

"And what about you? Do you think they will believe you?"

"No but -" the bell that signalled the start of the next lecture didn't let Jungwon finish his words.

Class ended. Another class ended. And another one too. During these classes Eunha was staring at Jungwon's back as if she would just get up and kill him any moment. It was break and the teacher asked Niki to take the homework which he collected a while ago to the teacher's table in the staff room.

Jungwon knew Niki would not allow him to talk to Jay about this so he thought it was his time to talk.bJay, Sunoo and Jake were sitting in the garden. Eunha panicked as she saw Jungwon walking towards Jay. She thought something. She ran in front of Jungwon and dropped herself on the ground yelling at him,

"How dare you, Yang Jungwon!!! What have I done??! Why are you hurting me!??" Jungwon was confused at first then he realised she was acting.
The three boys ran towards them. Jay extended his hand and pulled her up.

"What happened Eunha?" Jay asked. Everyone in the school was enjoying this drama.

"This, this sick boy pushed me. He's hurting me Jay", she lied.

"Yahh Yang Jungwon , what do you think you are doing huh?!" Jay sternly asked.

"No Jazy hyung, she is lying. I didn't hurt her."

"Stop calling me that and why will she hurt herself!?" Jay crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I guess she knew what I was going to do, that's the reason she is acting." Jungwon said, looking at her.

"What were you going to do?" Sunoo asked as he slightly pushed his shoulder. Jungwon stumbled but didn't lose his balance.

"I was going to tell the truth to Jay." Jungwon said.

"What truth? I don't want to listen to anything. Go away you idiot." Jay said.

"Jazy, listen to me! She is cheating on you. She's dating another person. I saw her yesterday." Said Jungwon.

"No, Jay he just wants you, that's why he is trying to make me a bitch in front of everyone so that you will leave me!!" Eunha yelled.

"Woah woah Jungwon where did you get those guts from? You are insulting our friend?! Stop making moves on Jay!!" Jake yelled.

"Hey, you sick boy listen up, I trust her and if she's cheating on me it's none of your business. Do you think after we break up you will have a chance with me? Hell no! Now move!". Jay was trying to get away from the scene but Jungwon held his arm.

Jay turned and said,"You always embarrass me in front of others!" He retracted his hand and punched Jungwon hard on his face and Jake pushed him to the floor. Before walking out Eunha turned around with a smirk and mouthed 'Open your mouth and I'l kill you'. Everyone laughed at the sight and left the boy on the floor.

When Niki was walking back he saw Jungwon on the ground. He ran towards him.

"Jungwon! Who did this!??" Niki helped him get up.

Tears were flowing from Jungwon's eyes and his lower lip was bleeding. He didn't say anything and Niki knew what happened. He pulled him in a hug.
"God Jungwon, you are really stubborn. Will you ever listen to me at least for once? That Park let me teach him a lesson!" Niki was ready to throw hands.
"N-No Niki wait. Please don't do anything." Jungwon stopped him.

"Your lip is bleeding, let's go to the clinic now." He took Jungwon there. The nurse applied medicines on the wound near his knee and gave him an ice pack to hold it on his lip. He did and they walked back to the classroom. Everyone started laughing. Jungwon looked at Jay who just rolled his eyes.

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