16) while you weren't sleeping

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"Mick, Keith, and their questionably costumed cohorts said you can't always get what you want but that doesn't mean it's okay for anyone else to have it either" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Oh, good you're here bout time you decided to show up" Mia told Serena and Serena looked at Mia.

"Kidding" Mia said and Serena looked at Blair. "Sort of" Mia said. "Okay I try not to meddle in Dorota's duties, but don't you think you're taking it a bit too far" Serena told Blair.

"Marie Antoinette, Scarlett O'Hara merely following the footsteps either, powerful women who did not have time to zip" Blair said.

"You could just be delusional from the lack of sleep" Mia said.

"Your light hasn't been off for nights" Serena said. "Okay first of all" Blair said and looked at Mia. "I thought you were on my side" Blair said.

"I am always even when I think you've gone insane" Mia said.

"And second of all" Blair said before looking at her mirror once again.

"And second of all great leaders only need three hours mine just happens to be non-consecutive it's all part of my two -year plan every minute is slotted for work, school, and personal obligations" Blair said.

"Ow that was my skin" Blair told Dorota. "Studies say not enough sleep make people psychotic" Dorota told Mia and Serena.

"Shouldn't you be brushing" Blair said to Dorota. "Are you sure your workaholism has nothing to do with Raina and Chuck and Valentine's Day" Serena asked.

"I was too busy with Nate to even think about what my brother was doing but now that I'm here" Mia said and faced Blair.

"Are you sure this has nothing to do with him" Mia asked. "They broke up and I only have 30 seconds left of being a good friend time" Blair said.

"So, spill" Blair told Serena. "Where were you last night" Blair asked.

"At the loft just sleeping it's hard to find the time with Dan always there and you, here and you know there's been a lot of buildup" Serena said.

"A three-year stint in the big house I'd say so" Blair said. "And I think that's the end of good friend time" Mia said. "B please at least consider a nap" Serena said.

"Good luck with that" Mia said and Serena left. "What are you doing" Blair asked Dorota.

"Less reading more grooming" Blair said before going to the computer. "I'm the only one who can multitask" Blair said looking at the computer.

"Girls INC has found its new face in Raina Thorpe if only Chuck Bass could get her to look at his again, but New York's favorite bad boy always gets what he wants and, in this case, we think that's the girl who has everything" Gossip girl's post said.

Mia then made her way to Blair. "Blair don't let her get to you you're way prettier than she is if that makes you feel better" Mia said.

"I'm sure Miss Raina does not have personal dresser" Dorota said.

"Yes, but she has a company and a foundation and maybe a second chance with Chuck" Blair said and sighed.

"B you and Chuck will be together again soon I believe that" Mia said. "Keep up Dorota the time has come for the dictator to delegate in moving up my timeline" Blair said and left.


"At least she's determined" Jordan said. "Yeah, just wish she would slow down or take a nap" Mia said.

"She's your best friend do you really think she's going to" Jordan asked. "Not even a little bit" Mia said, and Jordan laughed. "So, when's the big day" Jordan asked.

"I don't know we both want to graduate first and get a start on our career so only time can tell besides we're really just enjoying being engaged you know with no rush to get married" Mia said.

"Well if there ever comes a day, I'm not there make sure to tell your kids about me" Jordan said.

"Jordan don't be silly of course you'll be there" Mia said. "Then I can't wait till the day you become Mrs. Bass Archibald or is it just Archibald" Jordan asked.

"No, your right Bass Archibald is right" Mia said. "Thought so" Jordan said and Mia smiled.

"You should we spent a lot of time together" Mia said. "Shut up" Jordan said and Mia laughed.


"Are you sure you don't need my help" Mia asked Chuck over the phone.

"Positive the farther you are the better Russell knows how much you mean to me, and chances are once he sees you, he'll use you to get to me" Chuck said.

"If he can get his hands on me, I can be resourceful" Mia said. "Please don't make me bail you out of jail again" Chuck said.

"Hey, it is not my fault she had it coming" Mia said.

"Whatever you say I gotta go just stay home you know indoors where it's safe" Chuck said. "Fine" Mia said. "Love you baby sis" Chuck said. "Love you too" Mia said and hung up.


"I'm home" Nate said walking in. "Living room" Mia said and Nate went to her. "There's my fiancée" Nate said and gave her a quick kiss.

"Brought home dinner" Nate said and set the bag down. "Ooh what are we having" Mia asked getting off the couch and going to him. "Chinese" Nate said.

"Sounds amazing" Mia said and smiled.  "Did you know Chuck is having Jordan help him with Raina" Nate asked. "No, I had no idea" Mia said.

"Why didn't he ask you aren't you his partner of crime" Mia asked. "He said he was going to but thought you might kill him if I needed up in jail or worse" Nate said.

"Good call" Mia said, and Nate smiled. "I just hope Jordan is careful" Mia said.

"I'm sure he will be he seems like a smart guy" Nate said. "That he is" Mia said agreeing with Nate. "I'll set up the table" Mia said and left.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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