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Author's POV:

Gem's cloths were kinda wet because of the rain. But Fourth didn't care. He was hugging him and cried on his shoulders.

"Its cold outside babe!" Gem whispered in Fourth"s earlobe. "You'll caught cold!" Gem said. It was raining outside and cold winds were all over had there.

"You came!" Fourth didn't say anything back to him. But he whispered that words into Gem's earlobe.

"Yeah. Its your birthday!" Gem was still hugging him and placed another kiss on his neck. "Let's go inside." Gem broke the hug and Fourth did the same as him.

Then Gem grabbed his backpack which was on the floor and he carried it, into the room and put it on the bed when they went into the room.

Fourth still couldn't believe that his husband is already had come home !

"Am I dreaming?" He questioned himself. "You didn't tell me that you are coming today !" Fourth told him when he was going towards to him.

"I wanted to surprised you!" Gem grinned.

Fourth starred at him for a while. Because he never ever had dreamt about this from Gem. He didn't even hope any surprises from Gem.

"I phoned you many times." Fourth said breaking the glance with him.

"Did you??" Gem frowned and asked, taking the phone from his side coat pocket.

"Yeah. I did. What happened with it?" Fourth said and he went to his husband side.

"Oh. Its death!" Gem showed it to him. "I'm sorry!" Gem apologized while take off his wet coat.

"It's not your fault. But I was afraid about you!" Fourth was crossing his arms over his chest. But his whole glance had with at him.

"Sorry Babe. I was late Because I missed the train and I had to wait until another one will come." Gem explained to him, when Fourth was nothing going to say.

Fourth was silenced at the moment and it made Gem worried.

"Fourth !" Gem went to him when he wasn't going to answer to him. "What happened baby?" He asked again him while stroking his cheek.

"I'm sorry okay??" Gem thought he was upset about his late thing.


"You came!" Fourth muttered again the same words and it made Gem's heart sad. "Yes Babe! I came to see you!" Gem said holding his tiny hands again.

"I missed you!" Fourth looked at Gem's face and said. Then Gem saw Fourth"s eyes were had filled up with tears. "I missed you too!" Gem said very truthfully while hugged him again.

Fourth"s face had covered among Gem's shoulders, when Gem's strong shoulders covered half of his face and Fourth whipped his tears with Gem's cloth.

"I'm here now." Gem whispered again to him. When he finished with that words, Fourth made the hug tight. Gem wasn't surprised. Because he was in a same situation as him.

"Don't cry babe. Hmm??" Gem felt he was sobbing."please! Hmm?? He kept said nice words to him. He was still hugging Fourth. Then he immediately remembered something!

"I have something for you!" Gem suddenly broke the hug and grinned at him. Fourth whipped his tears by his palms and looked at him.

Gem went towards to the bed to grab his backpack and he started to looking for something. Fourth was curious about that.

"What are you looking for?" He asked and then Gem took out a red small box from the backpack.

"What is it?" Fourth asked him again when Gem was coming towards to him with holding that box. Gem put it on his palm.

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