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Gem's mother gave me the money which I asked her before. But I didn't tell her the reality of our lives between me and Gemini. Gemini didn't change even I thought if he could change so our child.

But I was wrong and didn't happen anything which I had to dream. I was thinking about myself when I was reaching to home again from his parent's.

I touched my belly and started to think about me and my child"s future. But I surely sure that Gem won't look about us. Specially about the child !


The next morning I work up and did home clean as I do everyday. Gem didn't come home yesterday. But I didn't surprise, because his "not coming home" is now like a daily routine.

After my works I tried to call to a shop. I found this shoe shop when I was looking a job for me. Before I marry with Gemini, I worked at his plase. But I still can ask for a help. But when the case was Gem, I stepped back !

" Hello ~~ Good morning !"

[ Good morning ! How can I help you sir? ]

"Hmm~~ actually I'm looking for a job and I saw about your shop's advertisement when I was scrolling on Insta." I explained to him.

[ Oh~~ I see. But our all vacancies have gone right now sir..... But if you can reach to here, then maybe I could to find one for you.]

"Yeah... Of course, I can." I was really happy when I heard to that kind of relief answer. I thanked him a lot. I didn't stay in here any longer and I hurried to get dressed to reach to the shoe shop.

When I was reached to the place, that was not really a big place which I imagined when I was seen it on Insta. But when I was standing near the doorway, someone came and opened the door for me.

"Good morning Mister ! Please come in and have a seat." He said to me while he was guiding me towards to a table. But I stopped him and talked to him.

"I'm sorry..... But can I meet your manager ? " I asked him and he nodded. But after sometime the man came towards to me and told me to go his manager's room. So I went in to his room.

"Good morning ! Please have a  seat. " the manager said me and sat in front of him facing.

"Good morning ! Actually I called in this morning to you for asking a job..." I explained to him.

"Oh~~ I remember you. I'm Mark. Nice to meet you." We were shake our hands.

"I'm Fourth. Nice to meet you Mr. Mark"

"I think I can give you a small job. But I won't think that you will like ~~"

"No no~~ I can do whatever." I didn't to finish his words and I said.

"Okay then. Can you start since now~~"

"Yeah~~ I can." I said to him and he showed me the whole view of the shoes shop. Since that day, I started my job....


The next day, Gemini came home and came towards to me. I was making the bed and didn't play any attention to him. He came and sat on the bed.

"Gemini ~~ take a bath and get some rest. I'll make breakfast soon." I told him and he laid down on the bed. He was always like that. But now I have used to this.

But my job starts 8 o'clock and I have to go there too. So I quickly made the breakfast and prepared everything for him. Then I went to take a bath and tried to woke up Gem.

"Gem~~ baby.... I'm going now. I made everything okay. Bye" I said the half sleeping man and kissed his temple before go.

But he woke up and grabbed my hand quickly. " whare are you going? " he asked me. " Just for walking. Not special. "I lied to him. Because I was afraid if he stopped me going to my job.

"Okay...." He said releasing my hand from him. Then I went out of the house.

This routine was went more than three month. I couldn't tell him the truth. Because I was scared about to tell.


But when I starting my three month pregnancy, I felt many dizzies. But I didn't stop my job and kept going there. Actually I didn't tell anyone about my pregnancy. But one day.....

"Are you okay Fourth ??" Mark asked me when I was vomiting in the restroom while I was resting in the restroom.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." I told him while washing my mouth. But he didn't believe my words.

"Tell me truth Fourth. You always vomiting. Even when you doing your shifts.please tell me if there is anything. I hope I can help it or~~"

"Its not a big deal Mr. Mark. I think its because of my pregnancy."

When I spelt out my words he was shocked and immediately looked at my belly which is not couldn't see any bump.

"What ??? What are you talking about?" He asked me again and again. "I'm pregnant Mr. Mark." I told him and he didn't stop to look at my belly.

"Then its better if you ~~" I didn't let him to talk. Because I don't wanna resign from this job. So I told me about that.

After everything, we two sat on the restroom floor. But he gave a chair and let me to sit there.

"Mr. Mark ~~" I tried to talk. "How many times I have told about not to call me Mr. Mark." He said me. "Call me by my name." He said kindly.

"Okay ~~~Thank you Mark." I said and he smiled. "So which months is now ?" He asked me  and I said to him, its my third month.

Mark told me that I can resign from the job. Because he said that when someone in their pregnancy its not good to work. When I hearing his that words, I was nearly to cry. Because Gemini never ever thought me like this way. Never !

Since that day.... Mark was so supportive to me. He was cared about me so much during when I was working.

We were so closet to each other and I told him about Gemini. Mark always was supported me. I was so glad about Mark and we were close friends....

Hi❤️ sorry for late na❤️ have a nice day❤️ byby❤️

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