The Beginning of The End Part 1 - The Princesses' announcement

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Dr Eggman arrives on an unknown place in the dark night. And what he has found is this strange throne looking artifact in the middle of the forest and he began to investigate it. He puts a device on it and the throne is activated.

AI voice: Uploading AI program now. [Robotic Soldiers appear around him]
Eggman: Yes! It's all coming online. The Ancient's secret will be mine! [Eggman's device starts to activated] Status report. Answer me!
AI voice: Simulations complete. Executing Protective Initiative.
Eggman: What! No! NO! Aaarghh!!! [Eggman gets sucked into the artifact]

Meanwhile, Day time in Equestria Sonic, Tails and Amy flying with the Tornado and followed by Rouge and Cream are arriving at Canterlot

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Meanwhile, Day time in Equestria Sonic, Tails and Amy flying with the Tornado and followed by Rouge and Cream are arriving at Canterlot

Tails: Hey Sonic, What do you think what Celestia has urgent for?
Amy: You think Eggman or any other
Creature are planning to attack?
Cream: oh no not other attack from mr Dr Eggman.
Rouge: Don't worry Cream as long as we're together we can take them out
Sonic: We'll see everyone let's head there and find out, Twilight and her friends will arrive soon.

Rouge: Don't worry Cream as long as we're together we can take them out Sonic: We'll see everyone let's head there and find out, Twilight and her friends will arrive soon

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[Scene switches to Twilight]

Twilight Sparkle: [Panting and Running while Spike follows her behind and both flies to Canterlot]
Fluttershy: Oh Good. We're all here.
Twilight Sparkle: So everypony got an urgent summons to the castle with no explanation?
Pinkie Pie: Yup! I just love a good mysterious summons. What's it about? Do you think it's a surprise party? Hey! Why are we running?
Twilight Sparkle: Because something could be terribly wrong! Somepony turned bad? Another evil creature back for revenge?! Or Eggman's plan attack.
Applejack: Don't you think you're bein' a little paranoid?
Twilight Sparkle: Why else would the Princesses send scrolls in such a hurry?
Rarity: Good point. They know better than to make us worry.
Pinkie Pie: Plus, I like it when you run so fast, the walls get all blurry! Wheeee!
Rainbow Dash: Race ya! [Rainbow speeds ahead]
Rarity: Oh great Sonic and his friends are already here.

Door opens, Mane 6 and Spike arrived at the entrance, panting. Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream and Rouge waiting at the Palace with the two royal Princesses Celestia and Luna.

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