Beginning of The End part 2 - Ponyville Invasion

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After sucked into the portal, Sonic enters into a digital world called Cyber Space. A strange digital space separate from the real world and can only access by entering the through these giant throne Portals that Eggman and Knuckles had found earlier of the story. Sonic managed to escape a Green Hill version of Cyber space and was found unconscious somewhere near the Neighagra Falls.

Sonic: Okay think Sonic, after getting sucked and escaped from that Strange cyber portal whatever it was, where we we're heading...? (Thinking) Crystal Empire! Oh...I can't just leave Amy and Tails behind, wherever they are and I hope Twilight and her friends are taking care of it. [Starts running]

At Tree of Harmony Cave, after King Sombra destroys the Tree

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At Tree of Harmony Cave, after King Sombra destroys the Tree.

King Sombra: [laughing maniacally]
Rainbow Dash: What. Just. Happened?!
Fluttershy: The Tree of Harmony can't really be gone, can it?!
Twilight Sparkle: It can't be!
King Sombra: But it is! You thought you defeated me, but you led me right to the source of your power. Now that it's destroyed, nothing can stop me!
[Twilight picks up pieces of the elements]
Twilight Sparkle: He's right... With the Elements gone, I don't know how we can defeat him!
Rainbow Dash: Then we'll just have to beat him the old-fashioned way!
Rest of Mane 6 charged on Sombra but uses dark magic and surrounds them by giant Black Crystals
Twilight Sparkle: [grunts]
[magic zaps]
Twilight Sparkle: [straining]
King Sombra: Ha! You're no match for me! I will finally rule the Crystal Empire! [gasps] Wait... With you out of the way, I will rule all of Equestria!
Twilight Sparkle: No!
King Sombra: Oh, yes. And I think I know exactly where I'll start.
Applejack: Don't you dare say it!
King Sombra: Your sweet, little hometown.
Rarity: You leave Ponyville alone!
King Sombra: Or what? Without your Elements, it would be so easy to control you.
[magic noises]
Mane Six: [yelps]
King Sombra: But there's no point. My conquering Ponyville is already your greatest fear!
Twilight Sparkle: You won't get away with this Sombra Sonic and his friends will stop you.
King Sombra: [Laughs] Let them come. I already have something for him when he arrives.
Twilight Sparkle: No...
King Sombra:[Laughs maniacally and disappears]
Mane Six: No!
Rainbow Dash: What does he mean he has something for Sonic?
Twilight Sparkle: When Sombra showed us our fear, I saw you girls, Spike, Cadance, Flurry, Shining Armor under mind controlled... Princess Celestia and Luna would become Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon... And then...Sonic. He is being corrupted with something! And I'm afraid that's what's Sombra is going to do to him.
Fluttershy: What do we do?!
Twilight Sparkle: I don't know! The Tree of Harmony grew the Elements! It kept the Everfree Forest under control! And now it's gone. Sombra will take over Equestria, and it's all my fault! I knew I wasn't ready to take the princesses' place, but I never thought I'd mess up this badly!
[Everypony looking at Pinkie Pie]
Pinkie Pie: What are you looking at me for?
Rainbow Dash: This is usually when you say something funny to lift our spirits.
Pinkie Pie: Sorry. Nothing about this is funny to me.
Rarity: [tears up] I'm sorry. I'm trying to be strong, but I just can't bear to think about poor Sweetie Belle under the spell of that monster!
Pinkie Pie: Or those sweet little Cake twins...
Rainbow Dash: Or Spike, or Starlight...
Fluttershy: Or Angel... or anypony forced to do that monster's bidding!
Applejack: Don't loose hope y'all Sonic, Shadow ,Cream and Rouge will come for us.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah but for how long Sonic is still out for the emeralds and do they even know what is going on?
[Twilight starts digging]
Applejack: What the—? Twilight, what are you doin'?
Twilight Sparkle: We can't just stay here. I don't have a plan, and I don't know what I'm gonna do once we get out. But we can't sit here and let Sombra make slaves of everypony we love!
Rainbow Dash: Let me help! I'm faster!
[Rainbow starts digging]
Pinkie Pie: I like digging!
Fluttershy: I've been known to get my hooves dirty!
Applejack: Move over, y'all!
Rarity: Normally, I wouldn't dream of digging, but right now, show me the muddy!

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