Twilight's Seven (Twilight's Plan)

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At Twilight's castle Sonic is with Amy who is still a cyber ghost and then Cream and Rouge entered the room with Spike.

Sonic: So how are you feeling Amy?
Amy: Like I said before it's all coming together I feel like myself again
[Cream, Rouge and Spike entered]
Cream: [gasp] Amy!
Amy: Cream! [tried to hug each other but can't]
Cream: I was so worried What happened to you?
Rouge: You're a ghost or digital ghost.
Sonic: it's a long story. I'm glad that you two are fine.
Spike: So what are we going to do with Amy we can't just leave her like that
Sonic: I'm working on it Spike, according to Celestia, Luna and Starswirl they said that the ancients created four Titans.
Rouge: Titans?
Cream: Ancients
Sonic: Yeah it's a long story
[Sonic explaining the story with the ancients]
Cream: So these Titans are powered by the Chaos Emeralds?
Amy: Yeah it seems that these Emeralds have a lot of story than we thought.
[Spike burps and scroll appears.]
Spike: [gasp] Oh Boy!
Sonic: What is it?
Spike: I better show this to Twilight and fast!
Sonic: Spike hold up!

[the five arrived at the school of Friendship]Spike: Twilight! Look at this scroll I just got!Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] Do you know what this means?Spike: Uh-huh!Starlight Glimmer: Uh, I don't

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[the five arrived at the school of Friendship]
Spike: Twilight! Look at this scroll I just got!
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] Do you know what this means?
Spike: Uh-huh!
Starlight Glimmer: Uh, I don't. What's so exciting about a toy crown?
Spike: [laughs] This is no "toy crown". It's the hard-won helm of the Sibling Supreme!
Sonic: The Sibling Supreme what?
Twilight Sparkle: When Shining Armor and I were small, we competed over everything.

[flashback of Young Twilight and Shining Armor]
Twilight Sparkle: [voiceover] To keep it friendly, our parents gave us gold stars every time we did something special. Sharing... getting good grades... even telling a really funny joke. And at the end of each week, we'd add up the stars. The sibling with the most would win the Crown of the Sibling Supreme — and bragging rights — 'til next time.
Starlight Glimmer: Guess that explains your love of charts and so much else.
Spike: I always wanted to be Sibling Supreme one day. [reading] "Meet me at Celestia's castle to decide who deserves the crown once and for all."
Twilight Sparkle and Spike: Race you there!
[door opening and closing]
Starlight Glimmer: Guess I'll watch the school?
Sonic: "sigh" goodie. I'll be at the Castle, hopefully the Map shows me the next location of my mission.

[Twilight and Spike arrived at the Canterlot castle]

Twilight Sparkle: [gasps]
[Twilight witnessing Celestia, Luna and her brother Shining Armor wearing the crown.]
Twilight Sparkle: You're wearing it?!
Shining Armor: Look, I know you've always held a grudge because I left home with this.
Twilight Sparkle: Grudge? [scoffs] What grudge? Just because you've had it for way longer than you should have and I never got a chance to win it back!
Princess Celestia: With the return of Sombra, Princess Luna and I felt it was time to reinforce the castle's defenses.
Princess Luna: I said we could do it ourselves, but some ponies are a bit stubborn.
Princess Celestia: So I asked our old Captain of the Guard to handle the job.
Shining Armor: I've taken the security here to a whole new level. The only thing I need now is somepony to test it.
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] You want me to break into Celestia's castle?
Shining Armor: If you can get past my defenses, steal the crown, and get out, you'll be Sibling Supreme forever!
Twilight Sparkle: For-ev-er...
Shining Armor: But! If you fail, I keep the crown.
Twilight Sparkle: Deal! Wait. Are you sure this counts? Mom and Dad aren't giving us any stars.
Princess Celestia: I will represent their authority. And thank you, Twilight. Your help will reveal if there are any holes in our security.
Princess Luna: [nickers]
Shining Armor: And there aren't. I've designed a multi-tiered, impenetrable, triple-backed-up line of defense.
Shining Armor: [voiceover] The castle is surrounded by shards of Queen Chrysalis' throne. Thanks to Star Swirl, its anti-magic powers are now tuned to stop anycreature from using a spell to get inside. You can't fly in, either.
[fans whirring]
Shining Armor: Giant fans keep anycreature from flying too close to the castle.
[bird squawks]
Shining Armor: Plus, the entrances to the tunnels below the castle have been sealed, so there's no underground access. And even if you could get in — which you can't — I've doubled the ranks of security. Ponies protect every hallway and door, which can only be opened with royal guard medals.
Shining Armor: Even if you brought an army, the throne room is the safest spot in Equestria. I rigged a floor trap to activate at the slightest touch.
Shining Armor: But say you avoid the floor — still no luck, because I've employed nature's alarm system.
[geese honking]
Spike: Geese?
Shining Armor: You can hear their honks all the way in Ponyville.
[goose honks, snaps]
Shining Armor: Plus they bite.

[Twilight thinking about the plan for getting the crown. At the Castle Sonic and the rest of Mane 6 at the table]
Twilight Sparkle: So that's what we're up against.
Applejack: Whew. That's a barrel and a half of obstacles. Plus a bushel and a peck of impenetrability.
Rarity: And all of this to win some fillyhood competition with your brother?
Sonic: And How much does this means to you?
Twilight Sparkle: It's more than that! Okay, it's exactly that. And to protect Celestia's castle!
Fluttershy: If it means that much to you, Twilight, we're in.
Pinkie Pie: I was already in! Come on, who doesn't want to hang with geese?!
Rainbow Dash: Of course we'll help. But how?
Spike: Shining Armor may have come up with some great security, but he'll never guess Twilight's plan.
Twilight Sparkle: We play to our strengths and defeat all of the security measures. That way, if one of us fails, the others will still have a shot at getting the crown. Pinkie, you'll distract the guards with a surprise party.
Pinkie Pie: Yes, sir, Twilight, sir!
Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, you'll buck your way into the sealed tunnels. Rainbow Dash, if anypony can outfly those wind turbines, it's you. Rarity, you'll sew us guard costumes so we can sneak past security. Then Fluttershy will disable the throne room alarm by charming the geese. And Sonic...
Spike: [belches a scroll] It's from Shining Armor. [reading] "Dear Twily, hope your idea isn't just..." [indistinct muttering] Tunnels? He guessed your whole plan!
Twilight Sparkle: What?! Pinkie party, Rarity costumes... "Signed, the future Sibling Supreme"?! Oh, come on!
Rarity: Twilight, darling, nopony knows you better than your own brother.
Twilight Sparkle: So you're saying I should give up?
Rarity: I'm saying your brother will win. No matter how brilliant your plan is, no matter how many variations you try, it will be something your brother expects, and he'll always win! Unless... when the perfect chance comes along, you do something he can't expect. Then you'll win.
Sonic: You've been practicing that speech, haven't you?
Rarity: A little bit. It felt like I rushed. Did I rush it?
Applejack: Absolutely not.
Fluttershy: Oh, no.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah, it was fast-ish.
Rarity: We have to do the opposite of what Shining Armor expects. Therefore, Twilight cannot mastermind the plan. But I can!
Applejack: That's... definitely unexpected.
Sonic, Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy: Mm-hm.
Sonic: Look Twily as much as I want to help you I gotta go back to find Knuckles and Tails they're still missing.
Twilight: Oh come on, Sonic! This really important for me can you please help me with this? Just for this? [making a cute face]
Sonic: huh... [annoyed]
Pinkie Pie: Yeah Sonic!
Rainbow Dash: We can use double speedsters for this!
Fluttershy: It is really important for Twilight.
Spike: Yeah Sonic you have no idea important this is.
Sonic: [sigh] Fine...

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