Frenemies pt 3 - The Villains retrieved the Bell

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Tirek and Cozy Glow being attacked by an Ophiotaurus but a female Ophiotaurus appeared behind them

Female Ophiotaurus: [roars and attracts the male]
Cozy Glow: Quick! It's distracted! Let's go!
Lord Tirek: Wait.
Queen Chrysalis: [roars and transforms into her changeling form draining its love.]
The Ophiotaurus falls to the ground.
Queen Chrysalis: [slurps] Mmmm... So much love. I haven't eaten this well in ages.
Cozy Glow: [gags] So gross.
Queen Chrysalis: Just so we're clear, I didn't save you because I like you. I did it because... because I...
Cozy Glow: Neeeeeeed us?
Queen Chrysalis: [gritted] Yes.
Lord Tirek: Clearly I was right to wait. Now tell me everything you learned today. Leave nothing out.

Cozy Glow: Why are you doing that? Didn't you already drain it of love?Queen Chrysalis: I always save a little for the next day

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Cozy Glow: Why are you doing that? Didn't you already drain it of love?
Queen Chrysalis: I always save a little for the next day.
Cozy Glow: You cocoon all of your... meals?
Queen Chrysalis: Of course.
Cozy Glow: So when you pony-napped Twilight, Sonic and the others, you cocooned them.
Queen Chrysalis: Yes. Until that sow Starlight Glimmer freed them, corrupted my subjects, and stole my hive!
Lord Tirek: Those ponies have weaknesses. I used that turncoat Discord. Tricked him into helping me capture his so-called "friends".
Queen Chrysalis: [sighs] Discord was really something until friendship ruined him.
Lord Tirek: You should've seen Twilight's face when her friends appeared in bubbles around me. She was all... [exaggerated groaning]
Cozy Glow and Queen Chrysalis: [laughing]
Cozy Glow: She's so stressed out all the time.
Queen Chrysalis: When I posed as her former foal-sitter, I thought she was going to implode!
Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis: [laughing]
Cozy Glow: I wish I could've seen her face when I nearly erased all the magic from Equestria.
Lord Tirek: All magic was a little excessive, don't you think?
Cozy Glow: Eh, I think big. Besides, it would've been worth it just to see Twilight Sonic and their friends bow down to me!
Lord Tirek: Indeed it would. Who wouldn't love to see those prissy ponies realize they lost everything?
[Chrysalis transforms into Twilight]

Queen Chrysalis: I'm a pathetic pony princess! I made a detailed list of all the ways I'm a failure!Cozy Glow and Lord Tirek: [laughing]Lord Tirek: You know, working with you two may not be the worst thing

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Queen Chrysalis: I'm a pathetic pony princess! I made a detailed list of all the ways I'm a failure!
Cozy Glow and Lord Tirek: [laughing]
Lord Tirek: You know, working with you two may not be the worst thing.
Queen Chrysalis: Perhaps... as long as it results in the complete destruction of our enemies.
Cozy Glow: I wouldn't have it any other way. Do the pathetic princess thing again!
[turns into Twilight]
Cozy Glow and Lord Tirek: [laughing]

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