Visiting Zecora / Map of Equestria update / She Talks to Angel Pt 1

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Twilight and Sonic arrived at Zecora's hut if she can cure Sonic's corruption.

Twilight Sparkle: (knocks door) Zacora? Are you in here?Zecora: Princess Twilight! And

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Twilight Sparkle: (knocks door) Zacora? Are you in here?
Zecora: Princess Twilight! And...(sees Sonic being corrupted) Sonic?! Come quickly inside.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh thank goodness you are here Zacora please can you help him? He's been corrupted like this since last week!
Zecora: Hmm, I've never seen a sickness like this before. It seems that you must have been busy these days Sonic. Tell me what happened?
Sonic: Hmm...the first time I got this, I was rescuing Amy she was trapped in a cage and she was half-ghost, I didn't feel anything about it. The next it happened again while I was searching for Knuckles who is also half-ghost too and I was feeling a bit of the effects. And now that I found Tails...
Zecora: It corrupted you even more... (Sonic nodded)
Twilight Sparkle: I hate to tell you this, Sonic. When King Sombra attacked Cadance and my brother, he showed our greatest fear. And one of them, I saw you screaming in pain... (worrying)
Zecora: Hmm for this cure I needed some ingredients, it's going to take a while why don't you Sonic stay here for a while and I will have a look at your corruption.
Sonic: Alright... Twilight I'll be fine I just need you to trust me and whatever Zacora is going to give me I'm sure it's going to be like nothing it happened.
Twilight Sparkle: Okay...I'll try to find something too.
Zecora: Come and visit soon Princess!

As Twilight leaves she is still worried about it

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As Twilight leaves she is still worried about it. Back at the castle, Sonic's friends witnessed that six towers appeared out of nowhere at the Map of Equestria.

Cream: Tails, What are those things
Tails: Those towers... the sky that has been communicating with Sonic said that shutting down those towers might free us from our Cyber-ghost forms. They appeared right after Sonic destroyed the last Titan.
Amy: You think that this is a great idea?
Tails: You know Sonic, he's finding a way to bring us back in our corporeal form.
Knuckles: Still I don't trust that voice,what it is.
Rouge: Though Sonic won't stop until he brings you guys back. That's what who he is.

Twilight enters the room.

Amy: Oh Twilight!
Twilight Sparkle: No time to talk right now I need to find something about Sonic's corruption.
Knuckles: Hey Princess maybe you should take a look here.
Twilight Sparkle: What is it, is it something good news?
Tails: It's something that we couldn't understand about it.
Twilight sees the six towers
Twilight Sparkle: "gasp" What are those towers?
Tails: We don't know yet. But it could possibly bring us back to our corporeal forms. How's Sonic?
Twilight Sparkle: He will be staying at Zacora's hut for a while until Sonic gets better we can go out and investigate it but right now I need to find something about his corruption.

While Twilight was searching for answers unaware that Sage is watching her the window.

Sage: She seems... too focused on finding a cure for him. Unfortunately for both of them... he cannot be saved...

Sage disappears and appears at Zacora's Hut, looking at the window.

Zecora: So Sonic, you've been saving Equestria lately haven't  you?
Sonic: Yeah, I've been very busy lately, fighting robots and Titans, discovering secrets...
Zecora: From Dr. Eggman I assume?
Sonic: Eggman has nothing to with it honestly, I haven't seen him anywhere these days. He's probably back to his base planning for another attack. Although I met this mysterious human girl wondering around in Equestria. I have a feeling that she is trying to protecting something.
Zecora: Go on.
Sonic: When I first encountered her. She told me to leave, I'm not sure why though and didn't wanna share with me.
Zecora: Well it must be very important for her to protect that something. I will be going out for a moment I will be back for while.
Sonic: Yeah alright.

After a while Zacora came across with a smoke breathing gecko and she took it to Dr Fauna and later to Fluttershy's Sweet Feather Sanctuary.

Dr. Fauna: It might look like chaos, but Fluttershy makes it work, even with Angel running around.
Zecora: Ohhhh. Perhaps I can help those two get along before something here can go terribly wrong.
Dr. Fauna: Zecora found this little guy and brought him to my office. But I thought he might do better at the sanctuary.
(The gecko breathes smoke at Angel)
Zecora: Bringing him here seemed the right thing to do. I've never seen geckos breathe smoke though. Have you?
Fluttershy: Ooh. I certainly haven't.
Dr. Fauna: I thought we could take a look at his diet. Plus, it's about time for me to give all the animals here a checkup.
Fluttershy: That's a wonderful idea. If we really want to know what's going on, we need to make sure the problem isn't your food.
[gecko stomach growls]
Fluttershy: I wouldn't worry too much. It's probably just something he's been eating. Oh. [grunts] Um, is there anything else we can do for you?
Zecora: Ahhh. Seeing what you two do, the real question is – can I help you?
Angel: [blows raspberry]
Fluttershy: You mean me and Angel?
Zecora: Mm-hmm.
Fluttershy: Oh, he's fine! We're fine! I... I just don't always have time to indulge him. But we're best friends!
Zecora: Even the best of friends need help from time to time. Come visit me in my hut, should you change your mind.
Fluttershy: Okay, thanks! But Angel and I are great!

Zecora returns to her hut with Sonic resting.

Zecora: Sorry for keeping you waiting Sonic, I had to visit Fluttershy when I discovered a little lizard.
Sonic: You know Fluttershy she's really good at Animals.
Zecora : Though I noticed that she's having a little trouble with her bunny friend.
Sonic: Angel?
Zecora: Mm-hmm. Yes.
Sonic: Well I'm pretty sure those two will find each other out.
Zecora: They will. But here drink this, this would probably give you strength for a while
Sonic: (drinks soup) You think this will remove the corruption?
Zecora: For a while my blue friend, in the meantime I might just going have to prepare a potion for our animal caring friend.

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