The Summer Sun Setback (Part 1)

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Note: This episode it takes place sometime after Celestia and Luna's vacation. Unfortunately I have no plans for adding Sonic characters on the episode because it more focuses on the two princesses. This episode I feel like it should be included because of the Villains trying to retrieving the an ancient book for the BeWitching Bell which really connects for the finale.

 This episode I feel like it should be included because of the Villains trying to retrieving the an ancient book for the BeWitching Bell which really connects for the finale

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At Grogar's lair

Cozy Glow: [clears throat] Where are ya goin'?
Grogar: Since you three were unable to retrieve my Bewitching Bell, we need another source of great magical power to defeat Sonic, Twilight and their friends. (Grogar has left)
Cozy Glow: [singsongy] He's gone!
Lord Tirek: I don't trust him.
Cozy Glow: None of us do.
Queen Chrysalis: Which is why double-crossing him with his own bell will be so satisfying.
Lord Tirek: If we can figure out how to use it.
Queen Chrysalis: Hmmm...
[rattles the bell]
Cozy Glow: Twilight Sparkle may be the worst, but she does know stuff. She once said the Archives in Canterlot has a restricted area.
Lord Tirek: Celestia and Luna love to hoard information for themselves. If there's an answer, it's there.
Queen Chrysalis: My triumphant return to Canterlot? I like the sound of that.
Cozy Glow: Oh, my gosh! Road trip!

[Morning in Canterlot, at Twilight's room, door opens]Princess Celestia: Sorry to interrupt

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[Morning in Canterlot, at Twilight's room, door opens]
Princess Celestia: Sorry to interrupt. We know you're busy planning the Summer Sun Celebration as we requested. But...
Princess Luna: Oh! Things seem, uh, calmer than we would've expected.
Spike: No complaints here.
Twilight Sparkle: With the exception of the odd trivia night, I've made a lot of progress since the Royal Swanifying Ceremony. You may not know this about me, but I occasionally freak out.
That was a joke. I wanted to show you with the Summer Sun Celebration how much I've improved. So I focused on delegating and trusting others. It's been great!
Princess Luna: That's... actually what we came to talk to you about. This may be the last Summer Sun Celebration you'll need to plan.
Twilight Sparkle: Did I do something wrong?
Princess Celestia: Of course not. It's just that the Celebration has always been about us. My defeat of Luna...
Princess Luna: ...and, thanks to you and your friends, my reunion with my sister.
Princess Celestia: Now that we're leaving, we don't see a need for the holiday any longer.
Twilight Sparkle: Now that you're...
Princess Celestia: My sister and I have decided. The time for us to retire is upon us. You, Sonic and your friends have proven you are ready to lead Equestria. So let this be the last Summer Sun Celebration as Equestria leaves behind the old to embrace the new!
Twilight Sparkle: "sigh" it would have been easy if Sonic was here. Unfortunately he's too busy saving his friends.
Princess Celestia: Did he find all of them?
Twilight Sparkle: Mm-hm the only problem is that they are 'ghostly'
Princess Luna: What do you mean 'Ghostly'?
Twilight Sparkle: Well you see, when we went to help Sonic, Amy was cyber-ghost something that she's stuck between realities.
Princess Luna: Does it have to do something with Cyber Space?
Twilight Sparkle: You know it?
Princess Celestia: Well long ago after we turned Discord into statue. Other beings from other world came here to Equestria...
Spike: The Ancients? Yeah Amy told us.
Twilight Sparkle: She told us everything, even Knuckles too is cyber-ghost.
Spike: And right now, Tails is too and he's with Sonic right now. I'm sure he'll find something.
Princess Luna: That's good to hear from Sonic. Well I hope you know what to do with the Summer Sun Celebration.
Twilight Sparkle: Gulps

Scene transitions to the hallway with the Mane 6 along with Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Rouge, Spike and Discord

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Scene transitions to the hallway with the Mane 6 along with Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Rouge, Spike and Discord.
Rarity: My goodness! How are you feeling about all this?
Pinkie Pie: Something like this could definitely send you into full freaky-outy mode!
Twilight Sparkle: I'm actually fine. But if this is gonna be the last Summer Sun Celebration, I want to make sure it's the best Celebration ever!
Rainbow Dash: [whispering] Please-don't-give-us-more-work... Please-don't-give-us-more-work... Please-don't-give-us-more-work...
Twilight Sparkle: So, even though everything was done, I thought of a few last-minute changes I could use your help with.
Rainbow Dash: [groans] I knew it!
Discord: [echoing] Oh, the end of a beloved holiday? Last-minute changes to a celebration [Discord appears] That sounds positively chaotic!
Knuckles: What are you doing here?
Discord: I've known Celestia and Luna longer than any of you. I terrorized them, they turned me into stone... [turns into stone and cracks]
Discord: If this is the last Summer Sun Situation, I simply can't miss it. Well, I see I've arrived just in time for the "Twilight gives her friends an impossibly long and overly detailed list" predicament.
Twilight Sparkle: I guess some draconequus isn't the know-it-all he thinks he is.
(Twilight gives card to everyone except Discord)
Rainbow Dash: This is it?
Twilight Sparkle: What?
Rainbow Dash: We were kinda with Discord on this one.
Twilight Sparkle: No more crazy lists. No more freaking out. With your help, I know we've got this.
Discord: [groans] Character growth is so boring. Do I at least get my own note card?
Twilight Sparkle: There.
Cream: We are doing this without Mr. Sonic and Mr Tails?
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic is too busy with Tails at this situation and I don't want to interrupt him on his mission for well (looks at Knuckles and Amy)...Anyways now, I need to go rewrite my speech. But if you all look at your cards, you'll see—
Discord: Can't talk now. Have so much to get done before sunrise.
[snaps fingers, everyone disappears except Twilight.]
Twilight Sparkle: (looks at the window) where are you now Sonic, I hope you are doing well with your...corruption.. (worried)

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