"For Equestria!"

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Meanwhile Shadow, Rouge, Cream and Mane 6 arrived at Ponyville as quickly as they can.

Mane Six: [gasps]
Applejack: Apple Bloom! It's me! Look at me, sugarcube! (Ignores Applejack) Twilight, you gotta free her! Please!
[Twilight tries to use magic but it deflected it]
Twilight Sparkle: I... I can't! Without the Elements, my magic isn't strong enough to stop Sombra's! [notices Spike and Starlight] Spike! Spike, where are you going? Starlight?
Starlight Glimmer: [monotone] We must lay siege to Canterlot.
Twilight Sparkle: No! Snap out of it, you two! You're stronger than his magic!
Rarity: Sweetie Belle, please stop! I can't get her to stop! I can't get her—!
Shadow: None of us can. We can't reach them.
Pinkie Pie: [screams]
The rest of them head to Pinkie Pie at the Sugarcube corner.
Pinkie Pie: [sobbing] He made them bake a black licorice fruitcake that says "Congratulations to Our Favorite Supreme Emperor King Sombra" in green frosting! It's the ugliest cake I've ever seen! [sobbing]
Rainbow Dash: Twilight, this is bad! Like, really bad!
Fluttershy: [sobbing] I've never been so sad in my whole life!
Twilight Sparkle: I don't know what to do! I don't know how to free them, but I don't know how to stop Sombra! Everypony was so sure I'd do such a great job! Well, this is exactly what I was afraid of! Could anything else possibly go wrong?!
Pinkie Pie: Well with the Tree of Harmony gone [gulp] the...the...
Shadow: The Everfree Forest is growing out of control and threaten the town.

Shadow: The Everfree Forest is growing out of control and threaten the town

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Rarity: Shadow Darling, that's oddly specific.
[Rouge turns Rarity head and the Forest's vines starts to grow]
Mane Six: [gasp]
Twilight Sparkle: Even if we figure out how to defeat Sombra and bring everypony back to Ponyville, if we don't stop the forest, there won't be a Ponyville to come back to!
[Rainbow Dash grabs gardening tools and brings it to the six]
Rainbow Dash: Ahem.

[Rouge turns Rarity head and the Forest's vines starts to grow]Mane Six: [gasp]Twilight Sparkle: Even if we figure out how to defeat Sombra and bring everypony back to Ponyville, if we don't stop the forest, there won't be a Ponyville to come back...

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Rouge, Cream and Fluttershy: For our friends!
Applejack and Rarity: For our families!
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: For our home!
Twilight Sparkle: For Equestria!
All except Shadow: Equestria! [charge]

Sonic, Starswirl and the Two Royal Princesses arrived at Ponyville
All: [Gasp]
Sonic: Oh man this the worst time we had when we went out to search the Chaos Emeralds.
Starswirl: None of this is you fault Sonic, nopony knew what will happen.
Sonic: Alright then time to save Equestria, hang in there girls we're coming!

Meanwhile Sombra and his mind controlled Pony citizens arrived at Canterlot and starts invading it. Royal guards were about to blow the horn but Sombra quickly disarmed them.
King Sombra: You! Break it down!
(Big Mac destroys the front gate)
King Sombra: They've fled! Celestia and Luna are too cowardly to even stand against me! Equestria is mine! [laughs maniacally]
Back in Ponyville Shadow Rouge Cream and the Mane Six continue to fight the Everfree Forest
Fluttershy: Come on, everypony! [shrieks]
Shadow : Chaos Spears!
Applejack: We've been at this for hours, but it's just growin' back too fast!
Rouge: Uh, Shadow? We've got other problems!
[Soldiers appear and charges. Shadow fights back and destroys them.]
Shadow: Keep going! Do not stop! I'll make sure these things follow me!
Twilight Sparkle: We have to keep trying!

[A Blue aura appears fast and destroys the vines quickly and magic zaps the vines]
Sonic: The Cavalry has arrived everyone.
Mane Six: Sonic!

[Princess Celestia and Luna arrived on the scene]Applejack: I know we're supposed to be able to handle things on our own, but I've never been happier to see two ponies and a blue hedgehog in my whole life!Sonic: Heh, Think you can handle this on y...

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[Princess Celestia and Luna arrived on the scene]
Applejack: I know we're supposed to be able to handle things on our own, but I've never been happier to see two ponies and a blue hedgehog in my whole life!
Sonic: Heh, Think you can handle this on your own?
[teleportation zap]
Star Swirl: Nopony is meant to handle this on their own!
Twilight Sparkle: Star Swirl! The Tree of Harmony, it's—!
Star Swirl: I know. I alerted the princesses and reached out Sonic as soon as I could. I felt it when it happened. Like part of my essence just ceased to be.
Twilight Sparkle: I know what you mean. I'm sorry.
Star Swirl: Don't be. I've more than enough magic in me to keep the Everfree Forest under control.
Twilight Sparkle: You can do that?
Star Swirl: The Pillars and I planted the Tree of Harmony. Who do you think kept the Forest under control before it did?
[magic zaps]
Star Swirl: It will take time, but with the princesses' help, I can keep it at bay!
Rainbow Dash: Aw, yeah! Go get 'em, beardy!
[Celestia Luna and Starswirl zapping Everfree vines while Sonic helps Shadow to destroy Soldiers]
Twilight Sparkle: Sombra's back, and he's taken control of all of our friends!
Princess Luna: We've left Canterlot defenseless!
Princess Celestia: Twilight, you must go! Defend Equestria, and we shall contain the forest.
Shadow: Sonic Go! Rouge and I will handle these Robots!
Cream: Go save our friends Mr. Sonic!
Sonic: Alright then let's go Girls!
Pinkie Pie: At least now we're back to just one problem!
[Sonic and Mane 6 teleported]

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