Frenemies Pt 2 - Climbing the Mountain

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Cozy Glow: Hey! You stepped on my cue!
Queen Chrysalis: Well, I did not! You stepped on our cue!
Lord Tirek: Ah, your rhythm was way off!
Cozy Glow: Oh, you think you're so cool just 'cause you're a queen!

Cozy Glow: Hey! You stepped on my cue!Queen Chrysalis: Well, I did not! You stepped on our cue!Lord Tirek: Ah, your rhythm was way off!Cozy Glow: Oh, you think you're so cool just 'cause you're a queen!

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Three started to argue again and Grogar returns

Grogar: Enough! I had hoped by now you would've resolved your differences, but apparently not.
Queen Chrysalis: Perhaps if we knew what the plan was, we would be better able to prepare!
Lord Tirek: Assuming you even have a plan.
Grogar: Of course I have a plan! I have located an object of power, and it occurs to me this is the perfect test. The three of you will work together to retrieve it. Against this item, those ponies and that Hedgehog's friends won't stand a chance.
Queen Chrysalis: I have come close to ruling Equestria several times. Perhaps I should be the one to lead us.
Cozy Glow: I nearly drained all the magic from Equestria! That was good!
Lord Tirek: I absorbed all the magic of Equestria! I could feel it flowing through my body as I grew!
Three started to argue again of which really annoyed Grogar and unleashed a yellow shockwave and hangs the three on the wall.

Grogar: Each of you failed to defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends! My power is greater than all of yours combined. This is but a fraction of it! Understood?!
Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis: Uh-huh [drops them]
Grogar: Now you shall retrieve the rest of it.
[unleashing a dark magic and tells its origin]

Grogar: [narrating] Thousands of moons ago, the self-righteous Gusty the Great, unable to best me face-to-face, stole my Bewitching Bell

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Grogar: [narrating] Thousands of moons ago, the self-righteous Gusty the Great, unable to best me face-to-face, stole my Bewitching Bell. A talisman containing much of my own magic. The Bell cannot be destroyed, so Gusty hid it in a place it has taken me millennia to discover – an enchanted cave high atop Mt. Everhoof, protected by magical winds that prevent anypony from reaching its peak. There, the Bell has remained until now.
Grogar: Scale Mt. Everhoof. Bring me back my Bell.
Queen Chrysalis: [laughs] The ease of this task is laughable.
The three Villains arrived at Mt. Everhoof
Queen Chrysalis: Well, it sounded easy.
Lord Tirek: Scale the mountain...
Queen Chrysalis: ...retrieve Grogar's Bell...
Cozy Glow: ...together! I drew up a detailed plan with several visual aids to show how we can... ditch each other and do it alone. Maybe when I'm waiting for them at the top, then they'll appreciate me.

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