Uprooted - The Tree's warning

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We begin in a dream shared by all of the Young Six: Silverstream dreams of becoming the first non-Pegasus member of the Wonderbolts, Ocellus dreams of missing an entire year's worth of classes and having to take a final exam in order to graduate, Yona dreams of plummeting out of the sky, Smolder dreams of having a tea party in a cute dress, Gallus dreams of being trapped in a small space, and Sandbar dreams of having to choose between multiple snacks to eat.

Rainbow Dash: Congratulations, Silverstream! You're officially the first non-Pegasus Wonderbolt!
Silverstream: Really?! That is such an honor! I don't know how to thank you, Professor Dash!
Rainbow Dash: Easy! You're kicking off our show right now! So get up there and make me proud!
[Rainbow flies away]
Silverstream: Wait! I don't have my uniform!
Ocellus: Silverstream! Somehow, I missed a class all year, and the final is today! If I don't pass, I can't graduate!
Yona: [screaming]
Yona: [sighs]
Ocellus: Whoa. That was weird.
Silverstream: And that's even weirder.
Smolder: [sips, sighs] Hmm? Uh, this isn't mine!
Gallus: [screams] Make it stop! Make it stop! [hyperventilating] Huh?
Sandbar: [panicked noises]
[Astral Twilight appears]
Tree of Harmony/Astral Twilight : Good. You have all answered my summons.
Silverstream: Wait. You mean this isn't my dream?
Yona: Friends must be dreaming together!
Gallus: More like a nightmare!
Sandbar: I know, right? How do I pick just one? They all look so good!
Smolder: That's your version of a bad dream?
Ocellus: But why did you bring us here, Headmare Twilight?
Tree of Harmony/Astral Twilight : I am not Twilight. I am merely the messenger. You all must hurry. Sonic and the Tree of Harmony needs you.
Young Six: [everyone wakes, gasp]

The next morning at School of Friendship.

Spike: [clicks tongue] Lookin' good.
[teleportation zap]
Twilight Sparkle: Spike! I have horrible news!
Spike: What's wrong? Is the Crystal Empire under attack again?!
Twilight Sparkle: What? No! We only have twenty highlighters! And they're all orange! How will everycreature color-code their notes?!
Spike: I'm pretty sure you're the only one that does that.
Twilight Sparkle: Still, twenty isn't enough for the new school year!
Spike: We've got plenty of time to order more highlighters. The friendship students won't be back until—
[doors open]
Spike: Uh, now?
Twilight Sparkle: Well, this is a surprise. Why are you all here so early? Did I send out the wrong back-to-school date?!
Smolder: Oh, we're not here for school.
Sandbar: Yeah. We're back 'cause the Tree of Harmony called us here.
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps]
Gallus: Don't feel bad it didn't reach out to you. We kinda have a special connection with it after last year.
Twilight Sparkle: But the Tree couldn't have called you. It's gone! Sombra destroyed it!
Young Six: [gasp]
Spike: Maybe next time, ease in with those truth bombs.
Sandbar: W-What about the Elements of Harmony or The Chaos Emeralds?
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic is already out there searching them but the Elements those are gone, too.
Ocellus: But doesn't that mean the Everfree Forest will take over Equestria?!
Spike: We've got that part under control, and Sombra won't be coming back, so... some good news, right?
Smolder: Uh About Sonic, The tree mentioned that he needs our help.
Twilight Sparkle: [gasp] He does?
Spike: He must be exhausted for searching out on his own.
Twilight Sparkle: Did the tree said anything about a threat?
Silverstream: We don't know but Can we see the Tree ourselves? Or what's left of it?
Twilight Sparkle: As long as you promise to stick together. The Castle of the Two Sisters isn't the safest place, as you may remember.
Yona: Yona not scared of puckwudgies anymore! Friends save whole school from evil Pegasus!
Spike: [aside, to Twilight] She does have a point.
Young Six: [cheerfully]
Twilight Sparkle: And thank you for informing us about Sonic.

The Young Six arriving at the cave.

Young Six: [gasp]
Gallus: How could this happen?!
Ocellus: [gasps] If only we hadn't gone home for summer break. Maybe we could've saved the Tree.
Smolder: [huffs] I wish that Sombra guy was still around, so we could teach him a lesson!
Yona: That not bring back Tree. Or Elements of Harmony.
Silverstream: [gasps] Wait! We all saw and heard the Tree in our dream, right? How could it talk to us if it was really gone? Maybe if we close our eyes and think really strong friendship thoughts, the Tree will get better!
Smolder: Eh, I've heard worse suggestions.
[Young Six holding together]
Sandbar: [loud whisper] Is it working?
Yona: No.
Ocellus: I guess the Tree really is gone.
Gallus: Then we need to do something to honor it!
Smolder: Ah, good idea, Gallus!
Sandbar: Hey, maybe that's why the Tree called us! It must've used the last of its magic to make sure we'd come here and keep its memory alive!
Ocellus: It did say it needed us.
Thorax: Ocellus!
[transforms into a rock, Thorax and Twilight arrived]
Thorax: There you are! The hive has been worried sick! Why did you leave without telling us? The last time you and your friends did that, it almost brought our kingdoms to war!
[transformation noise]
Ocellus: Uh, sorry, Thorax! It was an emergency!
Thorax: Well, next time, ask before you run off. Now, come on. Let's go home.
Smolder: Wait! She can't leave! We have a... dragon quest!
Thorax: But she's not a dragon.
[transformation into a dragon]
Thorax: You know what I mean.
[transformation back]
Yona: This quest for all Yona friends! Need to help Tree!
Sandbar: And it might take a while.
Silverstream: Can we stay, Headmare Twilight?
Twilight Sparkle: Well, as long as you get permission from your kingdoms, I suppose it's all right. And don't worry about Sonic, Spike and I will head there it's too dangerous for you young ones to go.
Gallus: You want that permission in triplicate, or is one enough?What? I like to be prepared.

Twilight and Spike heading to the Neighagra Falls.

Spike: So what kind of help Sonic actually needs he can take care himself of searching the Chaos Emeralds.
Twilight Sparkle: I'm not sure, if the Tree of Harmony hadn't warn the students about this why would he need our help. Besides what could possibly go....wrong?[Spike and Twilight witnessing the mess near the Falls]
Spike: I guess we now know why the Tree warned about this. What happened here?
Twilight Sparkle: SONIC! SONIC!!!
Spike: Over There!

Twilight and Spike heads over to the spot where Sonic got thrown off by the Titan, passed out.

Twilight Sparkle: Sonic! Sonic! Wake up! Sonic!
Sonic: [Sonic, unconscious, gets up and hyperventilates] Twilight! Spike! (Group hug)
Twilight Sparkle: Oh we're so glad you're okay.
Spike: Can you explain what happened here?
Sonic: There was a Titan that appeared out of nowhere and a girl with some kind of red cyber energy around her body.
Spike: A Titan?
Twilight Sparkle: A Girl?
Sonic: Yeah (gets up and takes a breath). And I'm not taking that thing down the traditional way. I'm gonna need the Chaos Emeralds, and maybe a little bit of luck.

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