The First Titan and The Mysterious Girl

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At Canterlot Sonic is learning more about the portals that he has found at the Neighagra Falls.

Sonic: So these portals you helped an Ancient civilization to create it?
Starswirl The Bearded: Indeed, it is located some places here in Equestria to travel locations and to activate it you needed that portal gear that you collected from that guardian that we fought. Once it is activated you entered in Cyber Space a digital dimension similar to our world but different.
Sonic: So where did these Ancients came from?
Princess Celestia: We don't know exactly where they came from, they told us that their home planet is destroyed by an unknown threat
but they sought refugee here on Equestria as long as they want we offered them peace and managed to live happily together.
Princess Luna: Yes but their settlement was short-lived the threat that destroyed their Home world followed them. So we helped them build their most powerful robots The Titans with the Chaos Emeralds.
Starswirl The Bearded: The three of us along with the Ancients we fought it but we couldn't stop it, but they came up with the plan of binding their Titan with it and asked the others to seal them in Cyber Space. However, the process of binding the Titan with the threat caused the death of one of the ancients. After the fight they told that it is too dangerous and they won't risk loosing more lives like what happened to them. So we agreed on that and they went to your world Sonic and lived there peacefully And never came back while we hid the portals and nopony will ever find it.
Princess Celestia: So now we have a question to you Sonic. How did you find the Portal?
Sonic: The better question is that how I ended up with one those portals, we were heading towards the Crystal Empire then suddenly a giant portal came out of nowhere and sucked us in. I was the only one who made it out of it and i woke up one of the portals. There was a sky voice talking to me saying that I am the Key for something
Princess Celestia: [thinking] The key... we're sorry Sonic it's been like a 400 years from now. We don't know if we've got answers for you right now.
Princess Luna: If that voice you speak of it takes to find the chaos Emerald and your friends then you may proceed.
Starswirl the Bearded: You may go now Sonic and inform us whatever you find.
Sonic: I will. [leaves the Throne room]
Princess Celestia: Do you think what I'm thinking?
Princess Luna: About that voice he speaks of?
Starswirl the Bearded: I fear so...if it is what we believed it is we must ready for it.

Arriving at Neighagra Falls Sonic places the Gear on the Portal's whole

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Arriving at Neighagra Falls Sonic places the Gear on the Portal's whole.

Sky Voice: Return to Cyber Space. As many times as it takes.
Sonic: Alright I'm going in.
Sonic touches the portal and he entered Cyber Space that it looked liked Sky Sanctuary and as he races through he managed to escape and while exiting a key appears and Sonic took it. As he explores he finds a giant tower structure that has a blue Chaos Emerald in it and while he approached it he used the key that he collected it before, Unlocking it, it releases the first Chaos Emerald. Later on he finds a red looking cage which appears to be Amy trapped inside only to be cyan digital ghost.

Sonic: Amy! Is that You? Huh?
Sonic turns around three soldiers appeared behind him.
Amy: Hello? Is someone there? Help me!
Sonic: Hang on Amy...
Sonic begins to attack the three soldiers and easily destroys them. After the battle Sonic approaches the Cage and as he touches it the Cage shattered and frees Amy but the Cyber Energy went into Sonic.
Amy: Sonic, are you all right?
Sonic: Me? You're the one who's only half here.
Amy: I feel fine. But that energy that was holding me prisoner went into you!
Sonic: Eh. I've been infused with weird zappy stuff before. Besides, I feel like it gave me some kind of boost!
Amy: Well... in that case, we need to get moving. If I was trapped, I'm sure Tails was too!
Sonic: Good call. I'll Scout around and find you later. Deal?
Amy: Deal. Be careful.
Sonic: Careful? Where's the fun in that?

As Sonic continues to explore the place he came across a giant guardian robot with three long arms and circle on top of it's body, Asura. As it tries to squash Sonic with its long and big hands Sonic manages to run on top of it and destroy one of its arms and he continues to do the same with the others arms. As Asura is destroyed Sonic manages to get a portal gear and later he entered one of it and collected a key.

Side Stories 1

Sonic: You hanging in there, Amy? Is your condition... well I don't know... uncomfortable?
Amy: It's certainly unsettling. But it makes a big difference being able to at least talk to you. Before you freed me, I couldn't see or hear anything clearly. It was like looking into a kaleidoscope that was always shifting. I couldn't tell if I was coming, going, or moving at all. I'd have gone crazy if you hadn't gotten me out!
Sonic: You're tough. I know you'd have hung in there. Still, I'm glad I could get you out. And I'm not gonna stop until you're back to normal!

Side Stories 2

Sonic: How're you feeling, Amy? I mean, what's it like being all ghost-y?
Amy: Honestly I don't feel that different since you helped clear my mind. I guess it feels kind of... detached? Have you ever flown around in a dream? Like you're lighter than air? That's what it feels like to me, anyway. I just wish I could finally land and be whole again.
Sonic: Hang in there, Amy. I'll figure something out.

Later Sonic came across another tower structure with a Red Chaos Emerald in it, he opens it and obtains the second Chaos Emerald

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Later Sonic came across another tower structure with a Red Chaos Emerald in it, he opens it and obtains the second Chaos Emerald. After Collecting the second Emerald Sonic running through the Field of Neighara Falls and all of a sudden a Titan appeared right in front of him.
Sonic: Whoa!
Sonic: I guess that's one of the "Titans" that Starswirl mentioned and it must be keeping Amy trapped.
[At the side of the Titan the mysterious Girl known as Sage appears and uses magic to stop the Titan, and also appears in front of Sonic, jump-scaring him.]
Sage: You. Leave. Immediately.
Sonic: Where did you come from? Are you trapped too?
Sage: Do not approach the Titan.
Sonic: Sorry, kid, but I've got a job to do. [Runs past Sage and continues his battle with the Titan.]
Sage: If we are fortunate, it will destroy you.
[The Titan stomps the ground, triggering a quake and blasting a series of rocks up in the air. Sonic yelps while he is dragged up in the air by one of the rocks. Sonic uses homing attacks on rocks to reach the titan and as he approaches it he continues to use homing attacks on the Titan but it has no effect on it. While on the air the Titan grabs Sonic and threw far away as he hits a mountain, fell and passed out While Sage and the Titan disappeared.

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