She Talks To Angel Pt 2

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Back to Fluttershy's Sweet Feather Sanctuary, Fluttershy goes through her to-do list for the animal community only gets bothered by Angel for ignoring him

Fluttershy: Angel!
Fluttershy: Listen to you for once? Just what exactly is that supposed to mean?!
Angel: [chitters]
Fluttershy: Come back! I-I meant tell me, not—! [groans]
Dr. Fauna: Well, whatever it is, you're the only one he can tell about it. Little fella just wants you all to himself.
Fluttershy: Unfortunately, that's not an option.
Dr. Fauna: Aw, he's not causing any real trouble.
[Angel causes trouble]
Dr. Fauna: Other than that, possibly.
[more crashes and Muriel the elephant trumpets]
Dr. Fauna: Or that. I'll just stop talking.
Fluttershy: [groans] I'll take care of it. I hope this is important, Angel. I barely made a dent in my to-do list for today.
[both entered the Sanctuary supply room and Angel points at the carrot extract health.]
Fluttershy: Concentrated carrot extract? That's for reviving energy-sapped herbivores. Are you feeling rundown?
Angel: [chitters]
Fluttershy: You just like the taste?! Ugh! Angel, that extract is in short supply! What's gotten into you? Every day this week, you've been causing trouble when I have work to do!
Angel: [chitters]
Fluttershy: Of course I know you can't talk to anypony else. But that's not my fault. I have responsibilities!
Angel: [growls]
Fluttershy: You're right. We can't go on like this. I guess we do need to see Zecora for help.

Fluttershy and Angel arrived at Zecora's hut

Zecora: Ah! You two finally came.
Fluttershy: Yeah we really need your help.
Zecora: Of course, my Pegasus friend come in!
You can join with me and our hedgehog friend.
Fluttershy: Sonic!!
Sonic: Oh Hey Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: Oh how are you feeling? Did Zecora really cured you?
Sonic: I'm fine Zecora said that she hasn't seen any of this but working on a cure for it.
Zecora: Yes, sooner he will be better for while. No need to sit and silently stew. Tell each other what's bothering you.
Fluttershy: He's so impatient, even when he knows I have work to do.
Angel: [beat]
Fluttershy: Well, that's not true. We talk all the time.
Angel: [beat]
Fluttershy: Of course talking at the sanctuary counts. That's where I am when I don't have a class to teach.
Angel: [beat]
Fluttershy: What do you mean that's the problem?
Angel: [beat]
Fluttershy: You feel like I'm the only pony you can talk to, and all I do is ignore you? Well, I feel like you don't care about my responsibilities.
Angel: [beat]
Fluttershy: [laughs nervously] Um, as you can see, we're kind of at an impasse.
Zecora: Ahhh, such luck, you're coming here indeed. Behold, the antidote you need.
Fluttershy: Is this what you meant by "help us"?
Zecora: When trouble brews between you two, turning sister against brother, true understanding is what's due. Each must come to know the other. There's no time to waste. (Both nodded) Go directly home. But you both must taste when you're finally alone.
Fluttershy: Hope you feel better soon Sonic
Sonic: I'll be fine Fluttershy, thanks.
[Both leave the hut.]
Sonic: What exactly did you gave it to them?
Zecora: They will understand each other
Sonic: Like how exactly.
Zecora: Fluttershy will understand how her bunny friend will feel like if she has taken his place and the same thing with Angel.
Sonic: You mean like switching bodies or something?
Zecora: Mm-hmm.
Sonic: Huh..something similar happened to me and Baldy McNosehair.
Zecora: What?
Sonic: No. not really (fourth wall break) That's just another me, people.

At Ponyville
Fluttershy: Not yet, Angel. Zecora told us to take it together when we got home.
[Angel points at Lyra and Bon Bon having a picnic together]
Fluttershy: Hmm. I suppose we could dust off the old picnic blanket. It'll be just like old times. We'll drink the potion and settle in for a nice tea party. I can barely remember the last time we did that. I've been so busy at the sanctuary. Though I really need to keep an eye on Zecora's gecko, and I haven't finished any of today's chores. If I don't, the animals won't get the care they need. Ohh. Maybe we should just save the potion until af— Angel! Zecora said to go home first!
Angel: [gulps, burps]
Fluttershy: I know she said we have to take it together, so... I guess I have to.
Fluttershy: [gulping, belches] I wonder what it's gonna doooo—
[Fluttershy and Angel switched Bodies]
Angel (in Fluttershy's body): —whooooaaaa!
Angel (in Fluttershy's Body): Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, hang on, hold up! Am I a pony? Why am I a pony?!
Fluttershy (in Angel's Body): [high-pitched scream]

Back in Zecora's Hut, Door knocks.

Twilight Sparkle: Zecora?
Zecora: Aaa, Princess! You are here!
Twilight Sparkle: I just wanted to check on Sonic?
Zecora: He's fine for now.
Spike: You
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic?
Sonic: Oh Hey Twilly. Hey Spike
Spike: We just want to check on you
Sonic: I'm fine thanks. How are you two
Spike: oh we're doing good.
Twilight Sparkle: Just searching for the Ancients that has been going on.
Sonic: Right. Well Zecora is preparing for the cure for my corruption.
Zecora: Unfortunately this is isn't going to last forever only for a while.
Sonic: Well as long as I'm still standing I'll be fine.
Twilight Sparkle: Thanks Zecora.
Zecora: You are very welcome my dear.

Outside Zecora's hut, Sage is watching

Sage: Hmm.... There's nothing they can do about it. No matter what he is unfortunate

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