Twilight searches for Dusty Page / Twilight meets Sage

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[Meanwhile in Cyberspace with Eggman and Sage]

Sage: I can confirm Sonic has made multiple breaches into Cyber Space and escaped.
Eggman: Through raw talent and no shortage of tenacity, I'm sure. Impressive.
Sage: You speak of him with respect as often as you curse him. I do not understand.
Eggman: Oh, I hate that Hedgehog. That doesn't change the fact that he is a formidable adversary. I respect him, but I don't have to like him.
Sage: Your genius. His skill. If only you two could work together...

Spike: That's why you only order spicy if you can take it. Twilight, what's wrong?
Twilight Sparkle: Dusty Pages isn't working at the library any more because I didn't return this book! Spike, I think I got her fired!
[brake skids]
Spike: Twilight, the library is that way!
Twilight Sparkle: Change of plans. We're going to Dusty's house. She used to invite me over for tea all the time.
Spike: But what about your late fees?
Twilight Sparkle: They're not as important as making things right.
Spike: Wait. So you're not going to return the book?
Twilight Sparkle: No. Dusty Pages is. It's my fault she lost her job. So if I give her the book, she can get her old job back. It'll fix everything! [sighs]
[door opens]
Meathead Pony: Didn't you see the sign? No salesponies!
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I'm not selling anything.
Meathead Pony: No carolers either. No surveys, no petitions, no free literature...
Twilight Sparkle: No problem. I'm just looking for somepony who used to live here. I'm pretty sure this was her house.
Meathead Pony: Dusty Pages?
Twilight Sparkle: Yes!
Meathead Pony: Hold on. She moved to... Silver somethin'. Shoals, Seas, Surfer, whatever. When you find her, give her this.
Meathead Pony: It's been stackin' up for years! And tell her to change her address!

Twilight Sparkle: [reading] "Silver Stable Community: For the best golden years." This has to be it!
Spike: I hope so. It's the last "Silver" spot on the map we haven't looked.
[door opens]
Spike: [straining] [gasps] Whoa! This place is—
Twilight Sparkle: Terrible, I know! There's not a single bookshelf in sight!
Sand Trap: [snoring]
Twilight Sparkle: Poor Dusty... [to receptionist] Excuse me!
"Teddie Safari": Yes, how may I help you?
Twilight Sparkle: Do you have a resident named Dusty Pages?
"Teddie Safari": Oh, yes. Her apartment is in the next complex, ground floor.
Twilight Sparkle: Thank you!
Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe that my carelessness sent her here, when she could be happily surrounded by millions of wonderful-smelling books!
Spike: You realize that might just be a you thing, right?
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] There she is! Here we go. [exhales]
Twilight Sparkle: [groans]
Spike: She's bound to be back soon. Maybe we should just wait here.
Twilight Sparkle: No. We are fixing this now. This place isn't that big. We can find her.
Twilight Sparkle: Sorry to interrupt your plein air painting, but we're looking for Dusty Pages. Have you seen her?
Apple Rose: Sure have!
Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] And...?
Apple Rose: She had to leave early to get to her fengbi de ti session.
Old Stallion: Which is right before she leads the woodworking class with me. Then she's on to windsurfing.
Apple Rose: Ooh, and don't forget theatre rehearsal! Dusty's playing the lead role. Again.
Old Stallion: Then there's her band practice later.
Twilight Sparkle: Thank you!
Spike: Wow. Dusty sounds like one busy pony.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, she's just filling her days with distractions to cover the pain of losing the best job ever! But not for long!

Twilight Sparkle: Dusty Pages, finally! Come on, Spike!
Spike: Wait. She looks pretty happy up there.
Twilight Sparkle: Trust me, it's all an act. She'll be a lot happier when I deliver the news that she can go back to working at the library!
[music abruptly stops]
Twilight Sparkle: Care to take five, everypony?
Dusty Pages: Ah! Twilight Sparkle?! My stars! It's so wonderful to see you! What are you doing here?
Twilight Sparkle: I've been looking all over Equestria for you!
Twilight Sparkle: I need to tell you something.
Dusty Pages: Well, you brought my mail! Oh, thank you! [chuckles]
Twilight Sparkle: No. I mean, yes, we did, but that's not why we're here. I let you down, and I can't forgive myself until I set things right.
Dusty Pages: I don't remember you doing anything wrong.
Twilight Sparkle: You told me to take care of a special book I checked out from the Canterlot Library, and I never brought it back!
Dusty Pages: [gasps] It was you that had that book out? The one that broke my perfect record?
Twilight Sparkle: But now you can bring it to Canterlot Library and get your job back! I'm
Dusty Pages: No, thank you! I don't ever need to see that library again! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.

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