Am I a Burden?/ A family born of Love/Fluttershy stands up to Garble

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Tails: Sonic... am I a burden to you?
Sonic: Wow... And how did you come to this well-thought-out concern?
Tails: Whenever there's a crisis I'm either running away or standing on the sidelines! You're always rescuing me when all I do is follow you around!
Sonic: Hey! Who was it who stopped Eggman from blowing up Station Square, huh? And who broke me out of prison, or saved me from the Deadly Six's trap?
Tails: I... then I'm wildly inconsistent!
Sonic: oh...Dude, relax! [Touches Tails' shoulder] You've got brains like Eggman, speed like me and can fly with your butt. It's okay if you still need help sometimes. That's just part of growing up.
Tails: Huh (Tails Smiles). When did you get to be so insightful?
Sonic: I have my moments.

Sonic collects the 5th Cyan Chaos Emerald

Tails: They say this was the last of the defensive measures.
Sonic: [To the Koco] Way to go. Your hero will be thrilled with all your hard work.
[The Koco bows. Then the spirit floats up in the air, killing the Koco. Tails stares mournfully at it.]
Sonic: [To Tails] And I'm proud of you. Don't forget that.
Tails: [Takes a deep breath, holding back tears, to Sonic] I won't. (Turns to Sonic and smiles.)

At some point.

Sonic: Hey, little bro. Feeling better?
Tails: Yeah. This whole experience gave me a kind of clarity. When this is all over... I think I need to go it alone for a while. You can't grow into my full potential if I always fall back on you. If that's okay!
Sonic: [Chuckles] You're free to go your own way. I guess you just grew up on me a little faster than I expected.
Tails: [Sheepishly] Are you saying I outpaced you?
Sonic: Yeah don't push it. [Tails giggles] It's gonna take some getting used to, but here's to you reaching new heights....partner.

Sonic then offers Tails a handshake and accepts it, but to no effect as their hands appear through each other

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Sonic then offers Tails a handshake and accepts it, but to no effect as their hands appear through each other. They notice that, and start laughing. Meanwhile Sage overhears them and starts having tears.
Sage: (Tears are seen forming in her eyes) Such a beautiful friendship. A family born of love and not genetics. Everything I want... I wish I'd never seen this. It was so much easier accepting the future when they were simply enemies. [Tears flow from her eyes and onto her hands.]

Tails: Hey Sonic, why why won't you go find Spike and Ember, We were checking on the Dragon Eggs and they won't hatch
Sonic: Alright Tails I'm gonna go and check them. And what are you gonna do?
Tails: I'm gonna look around and find something.
Sonic: Alright I'll see you again later.

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