Grogar and Legion of Doom

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Meanwhile somewhere In the forest, Queen Chrysalis expresses her unhinged desire for revenge upon Sonic and Twilight

Queen Chrysalis: One day, you'll see! I will defeat Twilight Sparkle and Sonic The Hedgehog! [cackles] And they will pay for stealing my kingdom! [Vanishes in a black smoke]

In Pit Tartarus, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow

Cozy Glow: Psst, Tirek!
Lord Tirek: It is Lord Tirek. And what is it now?
Cozy Glow: I just wanna make sure you can see my best friends rock sculpture from over there!
[shows a small sculpture of Tirek and herself]
Lord Tirek: [groans]
(vanish from their jail cells in black smoke)

In the deeper ground, a magical insignia is carved into the ground, restoring King Sombra. Elsewhere Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis appear on an unknown cavern.

Queen Chrysalis: Lord Tirek!
Lord Tirek: A changeling? [to Cozy Glow] See? She gets it.
Queen Chrysalis: Chrysalis, queen of the changelings! Or at least I will be, when I'm restored to my rightful place! Why did you summon me? What do you want?!
Cozy Glow: [yelps] Oh, golly! We didn't bring you! I thought you freed us from Tartarus!
Queen Chrysalis: Tartarus? Whoever pulled you from there must have been somepony very powerful indeed.
King Sombra: [laughs and appears]
Queen Chrysalis: King Sombra! You have returned? Why did you bring us here?
????: He didn't. [A silhouette of a ram appears, passing all villain and has Blue-coated with long horns]
????: It was I. You may call me... Grogar.
Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek: [gasps]
Queen Chrysalis: The Grogar?
Lord Tirek: I thought that you were a legend!
King Sombra: I've heard of you.
Cozy Glow: Who?
Grogar: I assure you, I am very real. And you have all been brought here as part of my plan to rid Equestria of Twilight Sparkle and Sonic The Hedgehog once and for all. Hehehehehe

Cozy Glow: I am so sorry, but the name 'Grofar'? It just doesn't ring any bells

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Cozy Glow: I am so sorry, but the name 'Grofar'? It just doesn't ring any bells.
Grogar: Grogar! I have been away too long if my name no longer strikes fear into the heart of one so tiny. Perhaps a demonstration of power is in order?
[gives magic to Tirek, ate it and evolves to his 1st stage]
Lord Tirek: [kisses] Grogar is ancient and extremely powerful. The land that would become Equestria was a mere collection of farms and pastures until he declared himself emperor of all he saw. I remember hearing tales of his tyranny when I was young.
King Sombra: I have also heard of the first Emperor of Equestria. The "Father of Monsters".
Grogar: I gave life to the foulest of creatures and allowed them to run wild, taking what they wanted and destroying the rest. My reign was a glorious, fear-soaked epoch of darkness in Equestria.
Queen Chrysalis: Ha! Until Gusty the Great rose up and banished you.
Grogar: That fool believed taking my bell would defeat me! But she only weakened me temporarily.
Cozy Glow: Um, Tirek is really old – [to Tirek] no offense, you look great – [to Grogar] but if he knew about you when he was young, we have super different ideas about what "temporarily" means.
Grogar: Silence! I've spent millennia gathering power, biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control of Equestria! And watching all of you. I've seen each of your humiliating defeats at the hooves of six puny ponies and at the hands of a filthy blue Hedgehog. And do you know why they've always bested you?
Queen Chrysalis: Because they cheat!
Lord Tirek: Because they are annoyingly lucky.
Cozy Glow: I'm just a kid, so...
Grogar: It is because they work together. Where one is weak, another is strong, and thus unified, they are a formidable force! But we shall use their own strategy to defeat them.
Queen Chrysalis: What are you suggesting?
Grogar: I suggest nothing. I demand that you join me, and together, both of Equestria and Sonic's world will be ours!
King Sombra: I don't do "ours". I only do mine. I will take back the Crystal Empire on my own, and I will destroy any pony who gets in my way!
Grogar: Such confidence. Go! Try to take back your kingdom. I shall send you there myself. If you prevail, you may keep it. But when you fail, you will submit to me!
King Sombra: And if I refuse this deal?
Grogar: Then I shall return you to the darkness from which you were summoned.
King Sombra: Fine! But this is a waste of time, as I will crush those who defy me. I will defeat all who get in my way! I'm—
[Grogar sends Sombra away]
Grogar: I advise the rest of you to prepare to work together!
Cozy Glow: Well, working together sounds an awful lot like making friends, so... you two are in luck, because I know all about that!

Meanwhile Eggman gets up on an digital space revealing that he's on a platform surrounded by roads. He looks around.

Eggman: I appear to be in a digital dimension. I've employed similar constructs in my own systems, but this is markedly more advanced. Note to self: don't admit that to anyone. The amount of data stored here defies quantification. But it won't stop me from trying!

 But it won't stop me from trying!

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