Sweet and Smokey - Arrival at Dragon Lands/ The Knight

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After some time with Rusty Bucket Sonic transforms into Super Sonic and sets off for his next adventure to find Tails.

Contacts Cream with Miles Electric.
Super Sonic: Cream?
Cream: Oh hi Sonic. Did you find Mr. Knuckles?
Super Sonic: Yeah I have, already told him to go there and took down the second Titan, how's everyone doing? Did you find the where Tails' at?
Rouge: Yes we've found him. The map has pointed out somewhere at the Dragon's Land.
Amy: It also seems that there are some strange stuffs happening there lately.
Super Sonic: Must be the portals and these robots have been activated there lately. Better investigate there right away, tell Twilight about this.
Amy: Aren't you coming home?
Super Sonic: I'll be back home as soon as I find Tails.
Amy: Alright Good luck Sonic.

Super Sonic heads straight to Dragon's land. Uppon his arrival but got blasted by a giant laser, Chaos Emeralds scattered again to Dragon Land and falls to the ground.

 Uppon his arrival but got blasted by a giant laser, Chaos Emeralds scattered again to Dragon Land and falls to the ground

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At the school of Friendship Smolder enters the Teachers' Lounge asks Headmare Twilight Sparkle for a week off from school

Smolder: Uh, Headmare Twilight? Sorry to bug you in the Teachers' Lounge. Is it okay if I miss class?
Twilight Sparkle: Mm-hmm. You can make it up tomorrow.
Smolder: Actually, I'll be gone for a week.
Twilight Sparkle: A week?! In the middle of the semester?
Fluttershy: Oh, is everything all right, Smolder?
Smolder: Not exactly. [sighs] My brother's been having a hard time since I left for school. I want to go home and check on him. Plus there are some strange things happening there right now. He's a really sweet guy, and the other dragons can be kind of rough.
Spike: Did you say "sweet guy" and "dragon" in the same sentence?
Smolder: Yeah. He's sort of like you, Spike.
Spike: Awww...
Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry to hear about your brother, Smolder. But the Dragon Lands are really far for you to go by yourself. And I'm not sure about you missing so much class.
Spike: Hey! What if she got a school credit for it? Kind of like a... a kindness field trip? I'll go with her.
Smolder: Thanks! The Dragon Lord is way too busy for personal problems when it's baby dragon hatching season.
Fluttershy: Baby... dragon... hatching season?! [gasps] All those cute little snouts poking out of those adorable little shells?! Teeny, tiny, twitchy tails?! Can I go too?!
Twilight Sparkle: Well, you are the perfect pony to lead a kindness field trip.
[Smolder, Spike and Fluttershy begging]
Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] Fine. But I'm gonna expect a full report when you get back.
Smolder: How many pages?
Twilight Sparkle: I was talking to Fluttershy. Hatching season sounds fascinating!
Fluttershy, Spike, and Smolder: [laughing]

 Hatching season sounds fascinating!Fluttershy, Spike, and Smolder: [laughing]

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