Young Six ideas/Kocos on Neighagra

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Back at the Young Six, each of them gets permission from their families and kingdom leaders to carry out their mission of helping the Tree of Harmony.

Sandbar: Hey, you're back! Great! Since I live locally, I figured I'd do a little cleaning up while you were gone. Give us a head start, you know?
Rest of Young Six: [gasp]
[Sandbar cleared away the Tree's remains entirely.]
Gallus: Sandbar, where's the Tree?
Sandbar: I got rid of it, to make room for a memorial.
Smolder: You did this?!
Sandbar: Uh, yeah. That's what you guys were thinking, right?
Smolder: [smack]
Silverstream: So not.
Ocellus: How can we remember the Tree if it's totally gone?!
Sandbar: Oh, it's not gone. Look! I planted a new tree. [grumbles]
Ocellus: Sandbar, you know that's not the same tree, right?
Sandbar: But it's a symbol, y'know?
Yona: Pony heart in right place.
Gallus: [growls] That doesn't matter! This cave was supposed to stay exactly the same so that future creatures could come visit and experience the memory of the Tree!
Sandbar: Sorry, everycreature. I thought I was helping.
Smolder: The Tree of Harmony is a huge part of Equestrian history. If we're gonna honor it, we need to do better than that.
Silverstream: Yeah! Like with lots of artwork that represents the symbolism and deep emotions of the Tree!
Gallus: No! It should be a museum with all the Tree's history and artifacts.
Smolder: Or a really big and imposing monument, so everycreature knows how powerful the Tree was!
Ocellus: I think we should turn this cave into a place for creatures to reflect on the Tree's true gift – the Elements of Harmony.
Smolder: Boring.
Silverstream: I like my idea better.
Sandbar: What's more perfect than another tree?!
Ocellus: What would Headmare Twilight want?
Gallus: Yona! You've been awfully quiet. Which idea do you like best?
Yona: Yona like when friends not argue. M-Maybe friends listen to each other and... make plan together?
Rest of Young Six: Naaaah.
Yona: [groans]
Sandbar: [to sapling] Hey, little guy. Need a drink?
[water sprinkling]
Gallus: Step right up! Walk this way! Welcome to the one, the only, magical Tree of Harmony Museum! Come, see the birthplace of the Tree! Grown from the tears of a basilisk and tended day and night by pony magicians! This is truly one of the wonders of Equestria!
Yona: Uh, Gallus? None of that actually true.
Gallus: So? Honoring the Tree means giving it a story that creatures will care about.
Sandbar: It already has a great story!
Gallus: Yeah, but mine makes more sense.
Sandbar: Whatever. Can you just keep it down? My sapling doesn't like the noise.
Gallus: Good! It doesn't belong in the Tree's memorial anyway. [to tourists] And if you think this is great, just wait until you see the mystical Cave of Harmony!

Meanwhile at the Neighagra Falls

Twilight Sparkle: Hold on a second so you're telling me that the Titan was build by some ancient aliens and Celestia, Luna and Starswirl helped them to create these things?!
Sonic: Well not exactly they created these huge things to defend something that is threatening Equestria. They came from a different world and it was destroyed by it so they settled on Equestria and found peace with everypony. But it followed them they managed to sealed it and they decided to leave Equestria and came to my world on Earth.
Spike: That is some kind of story so what have you been doing here aside from that.
Sonic: I was searching for Amy and Tails, and I only managed to find Amy but only she is half ghost. But so far I found Two Chaos Emeralds so that's a win.
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic, you mentioned something about a girl. Who is she? Shouldn't she be a pony or something like how we entered Canterlot High?
Sonic: I don't know who she is or where she comes from. She is not ghost-y like Amy her body is short of I don't know, corrupted?
Spike: And what do you mean by that?
Sonic: Half of her body is cyberized in red.
Twilight Sparkle: So where is she now?
Spike: I think that might answer your question Twilight.
[Sonic, Twilight and Spike found Sage standing and watching the place.]
Sonic: Wait here I'll go and talk to her.
Sonic: Oh hey, you show up everywhere. Y'know, I... I don't think we were ever properly introduced. I'm Sonic...
Sage: I know who you are. Your age, your biometrics, your weaknesses. You live for speed, are short-tempered and short-sighted.
Sonic: Oh... so you're a fan. But I don't know anything about you, miss...?
Sage: I will not share personal information with an enemy! [Sage ignores Sonic.]
Sonic: Why are we enemies!? Weird kid. I don't really get a bad vibe off of her, though.
[Sage disappears, Sonic went back to Twilight and Spike]
Twilight Sparkle: So what did she say? 
Sonic: Eh not much, she said that she knows me and doesn't really want to share her information with me.
Spike: Will we ever see her again?
Sonic: I'm pretty sure we would anyway let's go find Amy she's probably waiting for us somewhere.
[Amy is with a Koco, Sonic Twilight and Spike arrived]
Amy: Sonic! Twilight! Spike!
Twilight and Spike: [gasp]
Twilight Sparkle: Amy! What happened to you?
Spike: You really are a ghost!
Amy: Yeah most of it.
Twilight Sparkle: Here lemme help. I'll try to use a spell to bring you back. [Twillight uses magic but it did nothing]
Amy: (sigh) Nothing happened.
Sonic: Don't worry maybe defeating that Titan might bring you Amy. So Who's your friend?
[The Koco shakes its head, and speaks code to Amy. She nods as she addresses.]
Spike: Huh?
Amy: This Koco says they need to find their one true love before it's too late. They've been too shy to express their feelings, but if they don't do it now, they may never get the chance.
Sonic, Twillight and Spike Confused.
Sonic: You... got all that, huh?
Spike: But how?
Amy: I feel like the dimension I'm in is translating for me. It's strange, but feels natural.
Sonic: Well you always had a knack for weird insights. Who am I to argue?
Amy: [to the Koco] Well don't you worry. We'll reunite you with your lost love!
Sonic: [Crosses arms] I would think we've got more pressing issues but... again who am I to argue?
[Amy looks at Sonic.]

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