Giganto Fight and The New Tree of Harmony

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In Cyber Space scene

Sage: I am extending the range of my control, but I can still only command a few of the Ancients' relics at a time.
Eggman: Commendable, but what about finding me a way out of this digital dimension?
Sage: I have run 1,700,050 simulations. There is no scenario to safely remove you from Cyber Space.
Eggman: Unacceptable! Keep looking! Make it your number one priority!
Sage: But... keeping you safe is my priority...

Twilight and Spike looking around the place

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm Neighagra Falls sure it has a lot of mysteries here.
Spike:  Yeah. This looks beautiful. Have you read any of this Twilight?
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, but it didn't say anything about the ancients or these Cyber Portals or any of the Titans. I wonder why Starswirl and the Two Princesses kept it a secret.
Spike: Maybe it is for their own good besides sometimes Princesses can keep their secrets on their own
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah.. after this we will go ask the princesses about it.

Sonic collects the 6th Chaos Emerald

[Sonic finds Sage looking at tombstones on the other side of the river.]
Sonic: Are you trying to figure out the mysteries about these ruins too? It's kinda spooky everyone seems to be gone, huh?
Sage: [Turns around] The technology of the Ancients exceeds your modern understanding. Unwelcome pests like you will be swiftly eliminated.
Sonic: Okay. I'm trying to be civil here. But are you saying they lost control of their tech and it wiped them out?
Sage: No.
Sonic: Okay, okay, so you're not in a talking mood. I'll leave you be.

[Sonic Twilight Spike and Amy gathered to a tombstone field]
Sonic: Hey Guys, What's up?
Amy: Look! Wasn't this region locked off before? I think we can interact with it now! Twilight think you can rotate some of them with your magic.
Sonic: Maybe they'll act like the other puzzle-locks and show us the way to that Titan!
Spike: Well It's worth a shot!
Twilight Sparkle: Alright... What's the right way to do this? Hmm. Looks like there's a pattern on the ground.

[A eagle-shaped stone statue rises from the top of the waterfall.]

Spike: You did it, Twilight!
Amy: Sonic I'm sensing the Titan up ahead. This is it! The big showdown!
Sonic: It'll be a short match if I can't find the last Chaos Emerald, though.
Amy: I searched everywhere I could. I'm out of ideas.
Twilight Sparkle: We looked everywhere too but we couldn't find the last one
Sonic: So where is it? Eh, maybe I'll find it along the way.
Twilight Sparkle: I'll come with you Sonic. And Spike you stay here with Amy
Spike: Aww but I wanna see that Titan sure you two are gonna be ok?
Sonic: Pff of course we're gonna be okay Spike, if we find the last emerald we can take it down with no problem.

Sonic and Twilight reaching the top of the giant waterfalls. After reaching the top, the two have found Giganto with the Chaos Emerald on to oh it's head.

Twilight Sparkle: Sonic, The Chaos Emerald is on top of the Titan's head.
Sonic: Alright, you distract it and I'll try my best to get it.

Twilight flies to the Titan trying to distract it while Sonic is climbing on its body reaching the top of its head. And after getting the 7th Emerald Sonic Transforms into Super Sonic.

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