Another Vision from the Past/ Dragon Lord and the Eggs/ Smolder's brother

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Fluttershy, Spike and Smolder arriving at the Dragon Lands

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Fluttershy, Spike and Smolder arriving at the Dragon Lands

Spike: Okay, I made a list of what cheers me up when I'm down, so if your brother's like me, he's gonna love it! What should we do first? The Smile Song? The sharing circle? Or friendship bracelet weaving?
Smolder: I'm not sure those are the kind of things my brother's gonna be into.
Fluttershy: Well, what would make your brother happy?
Smolder: Just having Spike and me accept him for who he is will make a huge difference. Dragons who appreciate his more sensitive side.
Spike: I got it! Show tunes!
Smolder: Yeah, no, but good try.
Fluttershy: [sniffs] Oh! Uh... [through plugged nose] That's an interesting smell.
Smolder: [inhales, sighs] The stink of sulfur. Sharp rocks under my claws. [sighs] It's good to be home.
Spike: I can't wait to meet your brother, Smolder. We're gonna be best buddies. I just know it.
Smolder: He usually hangs out near here. I'll go try and find him.
Fluttershy: Spike, do you mind if I take a peek at the cute little baby eggs?
Spike: No problem. I'll stay here and finish this comfort blanket. It'll be like a hug every time Smolder's brother wraps it around himself.
Fluttershy: Awww. I'm sure he'll love it, Spike.

[Meanwhille Sonic and Tails who are studying an environmental analyzer on the ground with a shape similar to the Cyber Portals.]
Tails: Ah!
Sonic: What's that?
Tails: I think it's an environmental analyzer. All of the ancient Technologies Network to Cyber Space. If I can get it back online we can maybe get some answers... (the analyzer turns back online)

Sonic and Tails saw a vision into the past before the land before becoming Dragon land

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Sonic and Tails saw a vision into the past before the land before becoming Dragon land. Multiple blue lasers blasts to the sky but it is blasted by multiple red Lasers. Sonic and Tails turning back to the present
Sonic: So... that was a thing.
Tails: Whatever assaulted this place sure packed a punch. That was on par with Dark Gaia! Easy!
Sonic: [Annoyed] I feel like we need to find the Emeralds, pronto.

Fluttershy was flying around and found Sonic and Tails
Fluttershy: Oh there's Sonic and Tails! [flies to them] Sonic! Tails! [excitment short lived when she sees Tails being cyber ghost]
Sonic and Tails: Fluttershy!
Fluttershy: "gasp" Tails! What happened to you?! You're a ghost just like Knuckles and Amy!
Tails: Yeah I'm not a 100% ghost but half of me. But don't worry Fluttershy Sonic will get me out of this.
Fluttershy: I know he would.
Sonic: What are you doing here on Dragon Lands on your own?
Fluttershy: Oh I didn't came here alone I came along with Spike and Smolder because today is the baby dragon hatching season. To see the little baby dragons hatching. [being adorable]
Sonic: Dragon Hatching Season?
Fluttershy: Mm-hmm.
Sonic: Right. Well Tails and I were just checking this weird thing here.
Fluttershy: (sees the analyzer) What is that?
Tails: it's some sort of Analyzer well it's a long story.
Sonic: Yeah, well I'm going to search for the Next chaos Emerald
Tails: Right. I'll go with Fluttershy to see the eggs. We'll rendezvous later.
Sonic: Yeah good luck you too.
Both: Later Sonic!

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