She Talks to Angel Part 4/ Portal to Canterlot High

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Back at the Sanctuary, Angel's carelessness is causes trouble with the other animals finishing Fluttershy's chores

Angel: [grunting]
Dr. Fauna: Fluttershy? Do you mind helping me look for Muriel the baby elephant?
Angel: Oh, she's having dinner with Antoine.
Dr. Fauna: Antoine the python?!
Angel: It was on the list. "Remember – Antoine wants to have Muriel over for dinner."
Dr. Fauna: Not OVER for dinner! He wants to have her FOR dinner!
Angel: Wait. What?!
Muriel inside Antoine [muffled trumpeting]
Dr. Fauna: Bad snake! Open your mouth this instant, mister!

The sanctuary goes into utter chaos.

Dr. Fauna: Aah! What is going on?! You did all the chores on your list! Huh?! Didn't you?!
Angel: Well, technically I did 'em, kind of. But more technically, it's not my list.
Dr. Fauna: You wrote it!
Angel: Did I though?
Dr. Fauna: What's gotten into you?!
Angel: You do not want to know.

[Fluttershy arrives at the Sanctuary, exhausted]

[Fluttershy arrives at the Sanctuary, exhausted]

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Dr. Fauna: Huh? Angel?
Angel: What's wrong with her— h-him?! What happened?
Dr. Fauna: He's exhausted!
Angel: [whimpers]
Dr. Fauna: Fluttershy! I need a jar of concentrated carrot extract! Stat!
Angel: Ah! It's locked in the supply room!
Dr. Fauna: Where are your keys?!
(He then remembers where'd he left the keys)
Angel: Uhhh...

Muriel still inside the Antoine: [muffled trumpeting]Angel: Any ideas how to get the keys out of the elephant that's inside the snake?[animals refuse to help]Angel: Okay, point taken

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Muriel still inside the Antoine: [muffled trumpeting]
Angel: Any ideas how to get the keys out of the elephant that's inside the snake?
[animals refuse to help]
Angel: Okay, point taken. And I totally deserve it. I did not provide you with the care that Fluttershy would. But now you know what it's like not to get the level of attention to which you've become accustomed!
Sandra: [grunts]
Angel: The point is... Fluttershy is trapped in my bunny body. If we don't help her, maybe none of us will get her attention! I get that you don't want to help me. But don't you want to help her?
[the animals agreed to help]
Angel: Here goes nothin'.

The animals Worked together and succeed to free  Muriel from Antoine's stomach and now trying to figure how to get the supply room keys out from Muriel's trunk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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