Discovering the eggs won't hatch/ Spike's trouble with Garble/ Tails Meets Sage

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Tails: Sonic... do you think I can... change?
Sonic: What do you mean? Like... like a tire? Or the Tornado's engine oil?
Tails: No! I mean... when I was lost in Cyber Space, I was confronted by another version of myself. He said I was just a follower. That I couldn't think or act on my own. I wanted to argue, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything back. I worry he's right and that I haven't changed at all...
Sonic: Whatever. Some spooky cyber-copy hasn't seen you in action. I've seen it first-hand. You've definitely grown, and I know you'll keep on working hard!

Sonic collects the 3rd Red Chaos Emerald

Tails: Sonic, Look! It's an Assault-model Death Egg Robot! It looks pretty entrenched. I'll take a look around. Let me know if you find anything.
Sonic: [Wolf-whistles] You don't see something like this every day. These things are tough to take down, even for me. I wonder who took it out? How it got here on Dragon Lands. Maybe that ghost girl?
Tails: Hey, Sonic! I found a remote control panel! It's still online.
Sonic: Let's see what Eggman was trying to do with this thing; if it goes bad you can shut it off.

Sonic then enters the control panel. As soon as it clears the Death Egg has been activated and blasts a giant laser to open a passageway.

[A passageway opens up towards the cave.]
Sonic: Woo! That did the trick!
Tails: Yep. It revealed a subterranean pathway. Be careful, though. Whatever took out that Super Badnik might still be lurking around.
Sonic: I hear that. Thanks, buddy. I'll see you later.

Sometimes later Tails is with a Koco

Sonic: Yo.
Tails: [To Sonic] Hey. This Koco is an apprentice to their top pilot. They need to find the parts to complete their final weapons. I'm sure you've run into this scenario already. What did you do?
Sonic: Well, I helped them out.
Tails: But... isn't that cruel? Their battle is long over. This feels dishonest.
Sonic: We're not fixing the problem they think they have, but we are bringing them peace.
Tails: Well, when you put it that way... [To the Koco] Let's get to work!

Tails: We need a few more pieces, but we're having trouble finding them.
Sonic: Gotcha. Be right back.

Sonic collects the 4th Yellow Chaos Emerald

Tails: Well... that's it. The cannon is complete.
Sonic: [To Tails] Did I get the wrong parts?
Tails: No! Their hero didn't show. They're worried something's happened. [Miserably while looking at the Koco] It's like how I couldn't handle it after Infinite attacked. One wrong turn and I fall apart...
Sonic: Whoa, what?
Tails: Listen to me. The others are counting on you. I'm here to help, so don't give up, okay?
[The Koco whimpers again.]
Sonic: You've got me worried. Tails, you want to talk?
Tails: Not right now. Let's just focus on finding the Emeralds.
Sonic: All right.

Clump: More fresh lava comin' up!
[drain sound]
Spike: Okay. New activity. Who wants to make vision boards?
"Billy": Hey, Garble, Smolder! Surf's up!
Garble: Let me show you how it's done!
Smolder: You coming?
Spike: I'll... catch up with you.
Spike: [sighs]
Fluttershy: [sighs] Spike! There you are!
Spike: Hey, Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: For a land that's all rocks, this place is surprisingly easy to get lost in.
Spike: How are the baby dragons doing?
Fluttershy: The eggs won't hatch. They just keep shaking. I'm starting to think the dragons are too scared to come out. I was hoping you and Tails could help. If you're not too busy cheering up Smolder's brother.
Spike: Not a chance. Smolder's brother is Garble.
Fluttershy: [gasps]
Spike: The only thing that cheers him up is to make me miserable.
Garble: Hey, Spike! Want to play lavaball?
Spike: Huh?
[Garble and Dragons throwing lavaball at Spike]
Fluttershy: Excuse me, but that's not a very nice game!
Garble and Dragons: [grunting, laughing]
Clump: Ah! Nearly got you!
Fluttershy: [echoing] ENOUGH!
Fluttershy: [clears throat] I mean, leave my friend alone please. Spike came all this way to cheer up Garble, which was a very kind thing to do.
"Billy": [to Garble, mockingly] Awwww, do you need cheering up?
Clump: What's wrong, Garble? Did somedwagon hurt your wittle feelings?
Garble: No! I-I don't know what she's talking about! Spike's the one who's gonna cry!
Smolder: Hey! Are we lava surfing or what?
Garble: Uh, yeah, yeah! [nervous laugh] Let's go hang with a real dragon, not a pony wannabe!
Garble and Dragons: [laughing]
Spike: See? It's no use. [sighs] Why don't I see what I can do about the eggs and you cheer up Garble? At least he listens to you.
Fluttershy: Just you wait, Garble. You're dealing with Fluttershy now, and she's packin' a whole lifetime of kindness!

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