Frenemies pt 1 - Cozy Tirek and Chrysalis meeting

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During at that time while Sonic was Helping Knuckles and Twilight's search for Dusty Pages Episodes 6 is happening. Episode 6 "Common Ground" Quibble Pants asks Rainbow Dash for help to bond with his daughter. After Twilight's search for Dusty Pages Episode 7 "She's all Yak" is happening Sandbar asks Yona to a pony dance, so she goes to Rarity and Rouge her friends for a makeover in appearance and personality. At Grogar's lair, Grogar shows on his magic sphere an old looking bell.

Cozy Glow: Ahem

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Cozy Glow: Ahem. I don't want to tattle on my good friend Tirek, buuut... you might like to know he left food out. Again.
Grogar: I'll deal with it when I'm done. (Interrupted)
Lord Tirek: Don't trust anything that nosy little Pegasus says!
Grogar: I don't trust anything any of you say.
Lord Tirek: Hmph!
(Grogar interrupted again by Chrysalis.)
Queen Chrysalis: Are you planning on attacking anypony anytime soon? If not, I don't know why I'm wasting my time here. I am a queen, you know?
Grogar: [snorts] I'm leaving, since it's impossible to accomplish the work I need to do here. I suggest the three of you come to some kind of accord.
Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis: [talking, arguing, Grogar shuts their mouth]
Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis: [muffled]
Grogar: I don't care how, but you must learn to work together! Only then can we accomplish what you so greatly desire – the defeat of Twilight Sparkle, Sonic The Hedgehog and their friends!

Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis: [talking, arguing, Grogar shuts their mouth]Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis: [muffled]Grogar: I don't care how, but you must learn to work together! Only then can we accomplish what you so gre...

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Cozy Glow draws a banner and hangs it up

Cozy Glow: Nothing says "teamwork" like an inspirational banner. When Grogar sees this, he'll realize there's no way he could survive without me!
Lord Tirek: [grunting while doing exercises lift weights]
Cozy Glow: You're gonna have to exercise a lot to get as big as you were when you absorbed the life force of all those ponies. Anywho, Grogar wants us all to work together, so I've scheduled a team meeting. Doesn't that sound fun? And since Grogar left me in charge...
Lord Tirek: No, he didn't.
Cozy Glow: [giggles] Someone's a real grumpy-taur today. If we aren't meeting, I guess I could just stay and offer positive and inspiring—
Lord Tirek: Fine! I'll join your meeting. Just leave!
Cozy Glow: See you soon!
Cozy finds Chrysalis talking to a hunk of wood
Queen Chrysalis: It's been weeks, and Grogar's done nothing! It's not healthy to hold on to all of this rage! I could lash out at any moment.
Cozy Glow: And how are you doing this fine—?
Queen Chrysalis: How do you think I'm doing?! I'm ready to exact my revenge! [to hunk of wood] See what I mean?
Cozy Glow: Being cooped up with nothing to do is the worst! You know what you need? A team meeting!
Queen Chrysalis: I don't do meetings.
Cozy Glow: Grogar left me in charge.
Queen Chrysalis: No, he didn't. And even if he did, Chrysalis obeys no one.
Cozy Glow: There'll be cupcakes.

Cozy Glow: Grogar wants us to work together to defeat our enemies. Which means we need to trust each other.
Queen Chrysalis: [chewing] If we are to trust one another, perhaps inform Lord Tirek to stop trying to absorb my essence!
Lord Tirek: [spits] I wasn't doing anything of the sort! How dare you!
Queen Chrysalis: How dare I?! Do you know to whom you are speaking?
Lord Tirek: How could I not? You tell your log every five minutes.
Cozy Glow: This is why Grogar left me in charge.
Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis: no! he! didn't!
Cozy Glow: [growls] Huh?
[Cozy Glow]
I think I know a way that we can grow
Time to try something new, something better
No more solo, trust is the way to go
And all we need to do is work together
Lord Tirek: Ah, please!
No thanks, no way, I feel the need to say
I'm smarter, stronger, and I don't need you two
Queen Chrysalis: Ha!
Stronger? Okay, I guess we'll downplay
How bad you got your rear end handed to you
[Cozy Glow]
It's time to try a better way to be bad
Lord Tirek: [groans]
[Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis]
Do we really need a better way to be bad?
[Cozy Glow]
United as one
[Queen Chrysalis]
Teamwork? Please, what a fad
[Cozy Glow]
Combine all our strength, we'll go to any length
Once we have a better way to be bad
Let's go begin, this time we're gonna win
[Queen Chrysalis]
The ice you're on is thin, so watch what you say
[Cozy Glow]
I know you're in, I think I see a grin
[Lord Tirek]
For all this pain and torture, I swear you'll pay
[Cozy Glow]
This time, we've got a better way to be bad
[Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis]
Sounds like a long shot, this "better way" to be bad
[Cozy Glow]
United as one, we'll make those ponies so sad
[Lord Tirek]
If we say "okay", would you just go away?
[Cozy Glow]
Once we have a better way to be bad
We want to break their friendship
We want to make them weak
You want revenge on Starlight
You want that huge physique
So let's increase our chances
By working as a team
To crush our enemies to dust
And laugh as they all scream!
All: [laughing evilly]
[Lord Tirek]
I think I see a better way to be bad
[Queen Chrysalis]
Just put me in charge, make me queen, you'll be glad
[Cozy Glow]
No! Listen to me, I'm the best of us three
Then you'll see a better way to be bad
[tempo increases]
Cozy Glow: Wait!
This is my thing, a better way to be bad
[Queen Chrysalis]
You shall do as I command, I will rule this triad!
[Cozy Glow]
Hey! This is my song!
[Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis]
Sorry, not any longer!
A better way to be bad
[Cozy Glow]
Now you're making me mad
[Lord Tirek]
Won't the ponies be sad?
[Queen Chrysalis]
That would make me so glad
Now we've got a better way to be baaaaaad!

Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis: no! he! didn't!Cozy Glow: [growls] Huh?[Cozy Glow]I think I know a way that we can growTime to try something new, something betterNo more solo, trust is the way to goAnd all we need to do is work togetherLord Tirek:...

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