The Point of No Return - Knuckles and the Soldier Kocos

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Sonic arrives at a gateway on Badlands and found Sage guarding as he approaches her

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Sonic arrives at a gateway on Badlands and found Sage guarding as he approaches her.

Sage: Father was right about you. You're reckless and destructive.
Sonic: I have no idea what your deal is, but if we could just talk--
Sage: No! No discourse, No bartering, Only elimination!
Sage delivers an energy shot at Sonic, causing him to flinch and guard himself from the blinding light. Suddenly, Knuckles steps in front of Sonic in slow motion - which Sonic raises his eyebrows to - and blocks the attack. Knuckles then runs towards Sage, but Sonic immediately restrains him.
Sonic: Whoa! Whoa! WAIT! Time-out!
Knuckles: "Time-out"? She attacked you!
Sonic: Yeah, it's kind of her thing. But she's trying to protect something--or someone. [To Sage] I'm willing to help but first I need to know what's going on.
Sage: No, you don't know what you're talking about! [Sage Vanishes]
Knuckles: You're too trusting, Sonic.
Sonic: No I'm not. Trust me.
[Knuckles grunts in anger.]

Sonic and Knuckles near the pond

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Sonic and Knuckles near the pond.

Knuckles: Can you see that seal in the center of the pond? If we could pull it out we could drain the water. The problem is, I'm still ghost-like and you're useless underwater.
Sonic: Wow, thanks for the concern. Anyway, if I can jostle the device holding the chain, maybe I can get it to reel it in?
Knuckles: Worth a shot. Just don't slip and fall. I can't haul you out.

 I can't haul you out

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