Sombra's return

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At School of Friendship, Starlight Glimmer finds Twilight in her office

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At School of Friendship, Starlight Glimmer finds Twilight in her office.

Starlight Glimmer: Twi! You in here? With the school closed for the summer, I didn't think anypony would be here—
[paper rustling]
Twilight Sparkle: So much to do, not enough time! No! I already did that! Wait, no, I didn't! Uggggh, not enough time!
Spike: Help! She's spiraling! We're at the "my plan needs a plan" stage of a total Twilight meltdown!
Starlight Glimmer: Oh, got it.Twilight?
Twilight Sparkle: Did I write down "eliminate redundant lists" on my School of Friendship to-do list or my personal to-do list?
Starlight Glimmer: Twilight!
Twilight Sparkle: Gah! Starlight! Oh, good, you're here! I need to talk to you.
Starlight Glimmer: Okay...
Twilight Sparkle: Hang on, I had "talk to Starlight" written down on one of these. Just let me find it so I can cross it off!
Starlight Glimmer: Wow, you are "Twilight-ing" hard.
Twilight Sparkle: You say "Twilight-ing", too? Well excuuuuse me! This is the first time I've ever been asked to run a whole kingdom!
Starlight Glimmer: Uh, you're right, you're right. [chuckles] So, what did you want to talk to me about?
Twilight Sparkle: Ah, here it is! I wrote it down. Starlight, you have blossomed into one of the strongest, smartest, most caring ponies I know, and I can't think of anypony better to leave in charge of my castle and the School of Friendship! So what do you think?
Starlight Glimmer: What?! You want me to take care of the castle and run the school?!
Twilight Sparkle: Yes?
Starlight Glimmer: Uh... I can't! I'm not ready! Remember what happened the last time you left me in charge?! And now you want me to do it permanently?! What if I don't do the right things?! [hyperventilates] What if—?!
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, get a hold of yourself! You've risen to every challenge you've ever faced. You can do anything you put your mind to. You've got this.
Starlight Glimmer: Hah! And so do you. See what I did there? You just said everything you need to hear.
Twilight Sparkle: [sarcastic laugh] Nice try. But running a school and running a country are two very different things. Now, if you don't mind I have seven thousand, four hundred, and thirty-two things to take care of before I become the new ruler of Equestria! [hyperventilates, hyperventilating into paper bag]
Spike: It was a valiant effort.
[Sonic enters Twilight's office]
Sonic: Hey Twi. Tails, Amy and I are heading to the Neighara Falls to find the uhhh... [notices Twilight hyperventilating Spike and Starlight] Oh never mind I'll just leave.
Twilight Sparkle : No Sonic wait! (Takes deep breath) Sooo....What we're you saying again?
Sonic: Tails, Amy and I are heading to the Neighagra Falls, Tails detected the Chaos Emeralds have drawn there.
Spike: The Neighagra Falls?
Starlight Glimmer: what makes  you think the Chaos Emeralds were drawn to there?
Sonic: I'm not entirely sure but we're about to find out. The last time we went is with your family and wanted to do a barrel roll with your mom
Twilight Sparkle: Ugh...
Sonic: No worries Twi, hey how about you join with us and we spend some time there and then we search for the Emeralds?
Twilight Sparkle: Oh right yeah hehe about that I think I'm kinda busy right now-
Sonic: - for preparing as the new ruler of Equestria? Yeah I know it's alright we can go another time
Twilight Sparkle: [Continues hyperventilates, hyperventilating into paper bag]
Sonic: *Smiles*
[Outside the School, Sonic Tails and Amy at the tornado preparing to take off]
Cream: Be careful Amy, Mr. Sonic and Tails.
Amy: Don't worry Cream we'll be back.
Tails: We'll be back as soon as we can.
Rouge: Let us know when you found the Emeralds.
Sonic: We will everyone. [Tornado takes off]

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