Spending time with Garble/ Secrets of the Ancients' Portals

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Spike: [whimpering]
Smolder: I've missed you, bro. We got a lot of fun to catch up on. There's no lava diving at school.
Clump: Good luck gettin' Garble to do anything.
"Billy": Heh, yeah. He's gotten so weird since you left. Hiding and moping around...
Garble: I have not!
Clump, "Billy", and Fume: Have so!
Fume: Plus there has also been weird stuff going on here and Garble is too scared to check it
Garble: Hey Shut Up!
Smolder: Easy, guys. I learned at Twilight's school ganging up on each other isn't half as cool as you think.
Clump: Awww. Pony school made you soft.
Smolder: Want to try me and find out?
Clump: [gulps] M-Maybe later.
Spike: So, uh, let's get lava diving. What do you say?
"Billy": Better stay here, shrimp. Lava might ruin your blanky-wanky.
Garble: Let the wimp tag along. Then we'll have somedragon to dunk! [laughs]
Smolder: Hmph. Only gonna warn you once. Spike's my friend. You mess with him, you mess with me. Besides, he came here to hang out with you, Garble.
Clump, "Billy", and Fume: [laughing]
[flames roaring]
"Billy": [mockingly] Awww. How sweet. Ha!
Clump: Let's go do dragon stuff. Garble can have fun with his new friend.
Clump, "Billy", and Fume: [laughing]
[flames roaring]
Garble: But I'm not having fun! And he's not my friend! [growls]
Smolder: Eh, just ignore them, "Gar-Gar".
Garble: Smolder! Not in public!
Spike: Oh, it's okay to have a nickname. Sometimes I'm called "Spikey-Wikey".
Garble: Seriously? You're admitting this? [to Smolder] I am not hanging out with him.
Smolder: Give him a chance, Garble. You guys have a lot in common.
Garble: [groans] Fine. Race you to the lava pit.
Spike: Wait. I thought you said your brother was sweet.
Smolder: All the tough guy stuff is just an act. He's a big marshmallow.
Spike: Yeah, not seein' it.
Smolder: Well, maybe a burnt marshmallow. Smoky on the outside, but squishy inside. He just needs friends who can appreciate that part. Like you. You're not changing your mind about helping me cheer him up, are you?
Spike: Me? 'Course not! [nervous laugh, sighs]

Meanwhile Sonic,Tails, Fluttershy and Ember standing next to a Chaos Emerald vault

Fluttershy: Oh good we found the next chaos emerald
Ember: But this Emerald wasn't here before.
Sonic: Must have been placed once I got blasted out of the sky.
Tails: (analyzing the vault) Hmmm... the whole reason we came here was because we detected the Chaos Emeralds were drawn here...
Sonic: Did you figure something out?
Tails: I'm trying to put the pieces together. The Ancients' technology was built specifically for the Chaos Emeralds and runs on their power. All of the Dragon Land systems, even Cyber Space, were in a kind of stand-by mode without the emeralds to power them. Once the power supply was restored, though, someone would've had to boot up the systems and get them running.
Sonic: I think I can guess who...
Ember: Sure you guys know much of this huh...?
Tails: Yeah it's pretty much my thing.
Ember: Uh-Huh but you also need to see this as well.
Sonic unlocks the Vault and collects the 2nd White Chaos Emerald.

Ember shows Sonic Fluttershy and Tails about the portal and Tails begins to analyze it.
Fluttershy: What is that?
Sonic: It is a Cyber Space Portal. Some weird creepy sky voice told me that I'm sort of key because I managed to escape Cyber Space. But unfortunately Tails, Knuckles and Amy couldn't get out so they are stuck with this.
Ember: That just got activated few days ago, some earthquakes suddenly happened and this appeared out of nowhere. And it looks old though.
Tails: I analyzed the Cyber Space portal the last time you were accessing it. While you were online it opened up a flood of data. It was way too much to process, but I did get a glimpse of the Ancients' personal data.
Sonic: Oh, so... what? You know all their birthdays now?
Tails: Much more than that. Sonic - it was their very essences! Their hopes, their dreams, everything that made them what they were. Do you see the correlation?
Sonic: Sounds a lot like what happened to you, Amy and Knuckles. I'm glad you're all intact, but why were you all uploaded like that?
Ember: So these are created before we dragons arrived here?
Tails: Yes, exactly .
Fluttershy: So these were all activated as soon as Sonic starts searching for the Emeralds and all of these Titan stuffs.
Sonic: Yeah. Well I better start looking for more of these I'll see you guys later when I found and unlock the next Emerald.

Smolder: Okay! Lava jumping! Just like old times, huh, Gar-Gar?
Garble: Yeah. Just like old times. Except for one little annoying thing.
Smolder: Scales away!
Smolder: Come on in! The lava's fine!
Garble: [sighs]
Spike: You know, whenever I'm feeling a little down, it always helps if I do something with a friend. How about we jump together?
Spike: Aah!
Smolder: Ooh... [winces] Spike? You okay?
Spike: [gasps] [stuffed] Uh, I know there must be something worse than lava up your nose. Ah... ah... [sneezes] I just don't know what it is.
Garble: Cannonball!
[whistling through air]
Spike: Aah!
Garble: Woo-hoo! [laughs] Oops?
Spike: Ah! [coughing] [strained] Swallowing lava. Swallowing lava's definitely worse.
Garble: [insincere] My bad.

Spike: Try this. Red velvet. Guaranteed to brighten anycreature's spirits.
Garble: Feelin' better already.
Spike: I dunno about you, but a change of scenery always turns my frown upside-down. Aah!
Spike: [under breath] I will be the bigger dragon. I will be the bigger dragon. I will be the bigger dragon. I will be the bigger dragon.
Spike: Sometimes, just hearing what someone appreciates about you can make you feel better about yourself.
Smolder: I'll go first. Spike, I think it's really nice that you're trying to cheer up Gar-Gar.
Garble: [groans]
Spike: Thank you, Smolder. My turn. I like how you always let everycreature know how you're feeling, Gar-Gar.
Garble: Only Smolder gets to call me that!
Spike: [pained groan] Thank you for speaking your truth. [groans]

Back at the Eggs, Fluttershy is reading for the unhatched eggs
Fluttershy: [reading] "...And then they all lived happily ever after." Time to come out, little ones. [baby talk] Maybe you'd like a song? [deep breath]
Ember: I think you might be encouraging them to stay in. Dragons aren't much for touchy-feely stuff.
Fluttershy: Oh. I'm sorry.
[eggs starts rattling]
Fluttershy: [gasps] Goodness. Why are the eggs shaking? [gasps] Are they finally hatching?
Ember: I wish. They've been doing that for days. I'm sure it means something, but it's probably not good.
Fluttershy: Maybe we should probably find Tails, he maybe knows what the problem is.

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