She Talks to Angel Pt 3/ Sage speaks to Twilight again

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After our focus characters switched bodies, Fluttershy in Angel's checks on the potion that Zecora gave to themAngel (in Fluttershy's body): Question

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After our focus characters switched bodies, Fluttershy in Angel's checks on the potion that Zecora gave to them
Angel (in Fluttershy's body): Question. Did we switch bodies?
[Fluttershy is having trouble for being in a small body while Angel's for having bigger.]
Angel: Whoa! Gah! Guh! Whoooaaa-whoa-whoa! Seriously? I'm a pony? La-la-la-la! Talking is so cool. Do you think this is what Zecora meant to happen?
[fluttershy head shakes]
Angel: How are you gonna do your chores?! Really? That's what you're worried about?
Angel: [scoffs] Well, maybe I don't want to switch back. I've only been able to talk to you since we met. And now I can talk to anypony I want! [to Rose] Roses are red, violets are blue! You sell flowers... [to Daisy] ...and so do you!
Angel: [to "Cultivar"] Rubber baby buggy bumpers! [to Cream Puff] Rubber baby buggy bumpers!
Cream Puff: [crying]
Angel: Toy boat, toy boat, toy bo— no Aah! Aw, come on!
Angel: I am so too listening! Quit being so bossy because—! [gasps, sniffs] Are there carrots around here?
Angel: You think Zecora gave us the wrong potion, so you're gonna go to her hut in the forest and get something to switch us back?
Angel: All by yourself? You really don't know what it's like being a bunny.
Angel: Good luck with that! I'm gonna go find those carrots!
Angel: I need to finish your chores? [laughs] I don't work for you. And caring about other animals is a "you" thing.
[Fluttershy does the stare]
Angel: [gasps] The Stare?! You can still do that? Ugh! No fair making me do your bidding against my will!
Angel: All right! I'll go do your lame chores while you go see Zecora.

[Fluttershy does the stare]Angel: [gasps] The Stare?! You can still do that? Ugh! No fair making me do your bidding against my will![warbling]Angel: All right! I'll go do your lame chores while you go see Zecora

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Back at the Sweet Feather Sanctuary, Angel addresses Fluttershy's long list of chores

Clementine the giraffe: [slurping]
Angel: Anypony know where that useless list of Fluttershy's chores is?
Dr. Fauna: Hey, Fluttershy! I was starting to wonder if you'd make it back.
Angel: Fluttershy! Oh! Yeah! Uh, that's me! Definitely Fluttershy! A hundred percent!
Dr. Fauna: Uh, okay.
Angel: See how shy I am? Hmm? I talk to animals, I want to marry Discord—
Dr. Fauna: Your list is over there.
Angel: [sarcastically] Oh, yeah. There's my good old list of chores that I will absolutely not rush through because I definitely do not have better things to do. Well, well, well. Remember me?

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