Taking Back Equestria

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Sonic and Mane 6 teleported and arrived at Canterlot with a whole army of mind controlled ponies guarding Canterlot

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Sonic and Mane 6 teleported and arrived at Canterlot with a whole army of mind controlled ponies guarding Canterlot

Sonic & Mane Six: [shrieks]
Pinkie Pie: Aw, everypony's all evilly!
Royal guard: [growls]
Fluttershy: Sombra's gonna force us to fight our way through our friends?!
Rainbow Dash: Not if I can help it!
[Rainbow tries to reach the Castle but it is blocked by Pegasus]
Rainbow Dash: [gasps]
[Unicorns trying to zap Rainbow Dash, she avoided them]
Rainbow Dash: Okay. Guess we need a different plan. Twilight?
Twilight Sparkle: I don't know! I'm not prepared to fight against the citizens of Equestria! I guess that's one more thing I'm not ready to do...
Sonic: Well, we better figure out something, because none of them seem to have a problem with it!
[drawbridge lowering and more ponies are charging at them]
Rarity: [shrieks] Oh, sorry about this, Fancy Pants! [Fancy Pants and the others got captured]
Applejack: We promise we'll let y'all out as soon as we can!
[Rainbow and Fluttershy fighting Pegasus ponies]
Rainbow Dash: Ooh, will I go here? Or here? Or here, or there?!
Fluttershy: [pants] Huh?
[Fluttershy looks at Raimbow as she smiles and she smiled back. Pegasus ponies got hit each other and fell]
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps and uses magic to save Pegasus and put them to the side]
Rainbow Dash: Gotcha!
[Wonderbolt Pegasus fly through. Sonic and Mane 6 getting surrounded by many mind controlled Ponies]
Fluttershy: I don't know how long we can hold them off!
Applejack: And holdin' them off isn't what we need anyhow! We need to get inside!
Rarity: But we can't just leave them here, all possessed and Sombra-fied!
Pinkie Pie: What do we do Sonic?
Sonic: As much as we want to save them, We can't stay here. We have to get inside, we take down Sombra and free them.
Twilight: Sonic is right.We have to get inside.
[Twilight uses teleportation zap]
Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry we couldn't help our friends, but I didn't know what else to do.
Sonic: At least we're inside.
Pinkie Pie: [unconvinced] Yeah! All we have to do now is defeat King Sombra! [nervous laugh]
Twilight Sparkle: I... We...
[Discord eating a pickle]
Discord: Oh, my. No Elements? No princesses? Seems like you're in a bit of a pickle! Or are you in... [snaps] ...more of a jam? Mmm!
Sonic: What are you doing here Discord?
Discord: [swallows] Well, I was going to hang these up all over the castle to celebrate your coronation, but apparently it's a bit premature.
Twilight Sparkle: I'm so glad to see you! We could really use some all-powerful Lord of Chaos help right now!
Discord: Moi? Oh, I couldn't possibly.
[Discord, Sonic and Mane 6 heading to the thrones only to be guarded by four mind controlled royal guards]
Pinkie Pie: Oh, poodles!
Twilight Sparkle: Discord, please!
Discord: Oh, fine. [snaps] Just to be clear, I was really rooting for you to do this on your own and parlay that confidence boost into being the best protectors of Equestria you can be.
Sonic: Discord! Less talking and more helping!
[Sonic uses cyloop the guards, guards felt dizzy and Discord uses his Chaos Magic to trap the guards]
Sonic: Woah that was a new move. Alright everypony lets keep going.
Fluttershy: Thank you Discord.
Twilight Sparkle: Thank you Sonic. I don't what we do without you two.

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