The Summer Sun SetBack (part 3)

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Pinkie Pie: Even if I was an actual doctor, I would have no idea what's wrong.
Applejack: There's gotta be a reason. Something got 'em all sick.
Cream: Oh, Maybe the food?
Pinkie Pie: I ate the food, too! Does that mean I'm sick?! Oh, nooo! [coughs]
Amy: If you ate the food and then how are you still feeling better at the moment and the others got weak for all the sudden
Pinkie Pie: Oh yeah! I feel fine. [chomps]

At Gate The three villains have successfully managed to open the door, by stealing a guard's magic and its medal.

Cozy Glow: Not here. The Archives are in a different part of the castle.

Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash Fluttershy.
Feather Flatterfly: I don't know how this happened! I'm gonna be fired for... for sure!
Fluttershy: Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts will have all the weather rounded up any minute.
Rainbow Dash: [yelling and crash landing]
Rainbow Dash: Or not!

[Rarity, Rouge and Spike]
Rarity: What about "aiming for perfection"?
Fire Flare: We've set our sights higher.
Spike: Higher than perfection?
Fire Flare: Higher than putting on a silly little show for the other ponies.
Rouge: But you were so excited before. What made you changed?

[Back with Twilight and two Princesses]
Twilight Sparkle: You two just enjoy the festivities. I have a few surprises in store for— Yes, Discord?
Discord: Oh, well, don't mind me. I'm just here for the chaos. [thunder strikes]
Discord: Ohoho! And here we go!
Twilight Sparkle: What is Rainbow Dash doing? Pinkie, is this soup?
Pinkie Pie: Yes! I... was really hungry?
Rarity: Nopony understands wanting to take pride in your work more than I do!
Unicorn 1: You could do more with your magic than make frilly dresses!
Rarity: Oh, pffft. Nopony makes frills anymore. This season's actually all about simplicity—
Rouge: Not the point, Rarity!
Feather Flatterfly: Princess! I beg your forgiveness! It's entirely my fault!
Twilight Sparkle: What is?
[thunder strikes and begins to rain]
Feather Flatterfly: That!
Fluttershy: Oh, um, just a slight hiccup in the weather. [laughs nervously]

Rainbow quickly removes the clouds and Applejack brought apples for the sick earth ponies
Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, what is going on?
Twilight Sparkle: That's it!
Rest of Mane Six, Cream, Rouge and Spike: Woah! (Amy and Knuckles arrived)
Twilight Sparkle: I thought everything was fine! What is going on?!
Amy: Twilight, everything was going fine.
Pinkie Pie: Until it totally wasn't.
Cream: We tried to fix it ourselves.
Twilight Sparkle: Why didn't you tell me?
Rainbow Dash: We didn't want you to freak out.
Twilight Sparkle: And you thought not telling me everything was a total disaster would avoid a freak-out?!
Knuckles: When you say it like that, it sounds like a really bad plan.
Twilight Sparkle: [inhales]
Discord: (looking at telescope) Here it comes!
Twilight Sparkle: I know how I used to react, but I really have changed. Panicking won't solve anything. But we can handle whatever problems come our way as long as we handle them together!
Princess Celestia: Spoken like a true leader. How can we help?
Twilight Sparkle: I love a good to-do list. So tell me exactly what happened so we can figure out exactly what "to do" to fix it.
Sonic: Can We help?
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic!!!
Fluttershy: Tails!!!
Twilight Sparkle: You two are back!!! [hugs Sonic and he hugs back]
Sonic: Yeah we did
Twilight Sparkle: How did you know that we were here.
Tails: we came across with Mrs Cake and she told us that we will found you here.
Sonic: So... quite a mess around here. Where should we start with?

All of them start working together for the Summer Sun SetBack

And Together, they nurse the weak Earth ponies back to health, clear the weather, and convince the unicorns to perform again, and getting ready the fireworks and then Twilight, Celestia and Luna perform the Summer Sun Setback. Meanwhile, Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis steal a book from the Canterlot Archives.

Twilight Sparkle: [amplified] This Celebration has always been a reminder not to fear the night, for there is always a new day to look forward to. But as we look towards Equestria's future, I am sad to say today will be the last Summer Sun Celebration.
[crowd gasps]
Twilight Sparkle: Because there is something even more important to celebrate. There are two ponies who have watched over us night and day for as long as we can remember. We will no longer commemorate their battle or their reunion. Instead, we will take this day to celebrate how much they mean to all of us. From this day forward, today will be known as the Festival of the Two Sisters!
[crowd cheers]
Princess Celestia: We don't know what to say.
Sonic : Heh...brand new holiday? You're my kind of princess!
Twilight Sparkle: I'm just glad we pulled it off.
Applejack: About that... We just wanted to say we're real sorry.
Rarity: You did tell us you'd changed.
Fluttershy: As your friends, we should've trusted you.
Rainbow Dash: Next time you say you're not gonna freak out, we'll believe you.
Twilight Sparkle: Good. Because I'm sure there's gonna be plenty of things I'll need my best friends' help with. (Group hug)
Pinkie Pie: Whee-hee!
Mane Six except Pinkie Pie: Aah!
Mane Six and Sonic's friends: [laughing]
Discord: You know, it really does seem like you just might be ready for whatever comes next, your Majesty.

Continue laughing until Sonic is being cyber corrupt again but much worse

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Continue laughing until Sonic is being cyber corrupt again but much worse.
Sonic: Gah!!! (Sonic gets corrupted, Falls to his knees and starts Coughing)
Mane Six: "Gasp"
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic!!!
Amy, Tails and Cream: Sonic!!!
[Crowd Gasps]
Celestia and Luna: "gasp"
Princess Celestia: Sonic! What happened?
Twilight Sparkle: This is bad. This is really bad!!
Princess Luna: The corruption is getting worse.
Sonic: It's okay, (stands up) I'm just catching my breath.
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic this is no ordinary sickness, we need to get you to Zacora immediately! Maybe she can help you.
Twilight uses Telekinesis on Sonic and puts him on her back and flew immediately to Zacora

Cozy Glow: Sooooo did you find what you're looking for?
Grogar: Once again, I've found success where you all find failure. I have located what I sought, and tomorrow I will set out to retrieve it. When I return, Equestria will finally be ours for the taking.
Lord Tirek: Hmph!
Queen Chrysalis: Oh, stop pouting.
Cozy Glow: You knew you couldn't stay that buff. You had to return all the life force to those Earth ponies so Grogar doesn't suspect anything.
Lord Tirek: I don't have to like it.
Cozy Glow: Well, I don't like that we worked so hard to destroy their party and they still pulled it off. But you don't see me complaining!
Queen Chrysalis: Our goal wasn't to destroy. It was to distract. And now we have exactly what we need.
Lord Tirek: And no time to waste. We have to master the Bell before Grogar returns.
Queen Chrysalis: We've managed to stay one step ahead of everypony so far.
Cozy Glow: You know, it really was super easy to get all those Earth ponies and Pegasi and unicorns to turn on each other.
Queen Chrysalis: It was, wasn't it? Now that is something to think about...

End of the episode of The Summer Sunsetback

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