The Eggs finally hatched/ The Last "Titan" Knight

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Ember and the other are trying to heat up the eggs using flame roaring

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Ember and the other are trying to heat up the eggs using flame roaring.
Ember: I've ordered everydragon to warm up the eggs, but they still won't hatch. I don't know what else we can try.
Spike: We can't give up! There's got to be something we can do!
Clump: [mockingly] How about we wrap the eggs in a bunch of baby bwankets? [laughs]
"Billy": [laughs] Yeah! The wimp can knit 'em up quick-like!
Spike: Hey, watch it! That laugh fire could burn somepony!
Dragons: [laughing]
Garble: Burn... Good idea, Spikey-Wikey!
Dragons: [stop laughing]

 Good idea, Spikey-Wikey! Dragons: [stop laughing]

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Garble: Eggs, come. Burst into that light. Break through shells that bind.
Spike: [snaps fingers]
Garble: Break free, explore. Stuck! ...Between rock and... hard place.
Dragons: [laughing]
[flames roaring]
Garble: Freedom, come! Don't be shy! Look those others in the eye!
Dragons: [uproarious laughing]
[flames roaring]
Garble: Stake your claim! Don't stop! Just do! Be the one and only... you!
Dragons: [uproarious laughing]

Checking on the Eggs.

Sonic: Well, Is it working?Spike: Nothing

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Sonic: Well, Is it working?
Spike: Nothing. The fire isn't hot enough.
Fluttershy: Oh there's gotta be something to make them hatch.
Ember: (Angrily) oh it's not hot enough! We need more heat! If only those idiots weren't moving those boulders and took all the lava.
Tails: Wait, That's it! Follow me I think I know how to get more heat.
Ember: (To the Dragons) All of you stay here! We'll be right Back.

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