The Summer Sun Setback (Part 2)

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Lord Tirek: Why are so many ponies up in the middle of the night?
Cozy Glow: It's that silly sun holiday.
Queen Chrysalis: How many holidays do you ponies have? No matter. Getting into the castle won't be a problem.
Lord Tirek: Are you sure about that? (Points at the giant fans that happened in Twilight's Seven)
Queen Chrysalis: Oh. Those are new. But even so... [transforms into a royal guard]

Queen Crysalis tries to enter the security door but wouldn't open.
Queen Chrysalis: [affected voice] Transfer. Have to head inside. Open up.
A royal guard then opens the door but quickly closes.
Queen Chrysalis: Right. Of course. [laughs nervously] (tries to use royal guard medal but won't open.) Uh, do yours get glitchy too? More medallions, more problems, am I right?

Returns to Tirek and Cozy

Queen Chrysalis: [normal voice] They've increased security into the castle. This is going to be more challenging than I thought. (Transforms back to normal)

Mane 5, Sonic's friends and Discord appears behind them, not knowing that the villains were hiding behind barrels

Mane 5, Sonic's friends and Discord appears behind them, not knowing that the villains were hiding behind barrels

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Rainbow Dash: Could you not go popping us all over the place, please?!
Discord: Time is of the essence. Let's go, team!
Fluttershy: We need to know what we're doing before we go and do it.
Applejack: Amy, Pinkie and Cream we are givin' Braeburn and the Appleloosan ponies some adjustments to the menu.
Amy: Alright.
Cream: Oh goodie (cheerfully)
Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy and I are meeting the Pegasi from Cloudsdale to give them changes to the weather.
Rarity: Spike and Rouge we're going to update the Flaming Sky Firework Unicorn Troupe with Twilight's new vision.
Rouge: you got It.
Discord: And I'm supposed to... [reading] "make sure Discord doesn't do anything 'Discord-y'"? Well, that's annoyingly specific!
Knuckles: And I'm keeping my eye on you..

(Everyone spreads)

Lord Tirek: Increased security on a crowded holiday with Twilight and her friends bumbling around? This is impossible.
Queen Chrysalis: Oh, no. This is perfect. We need a distraction, and those ridiculous ponies just gave it to us. Now, do exactly as I tell you.

(Earth ponies selling pies and Pinkie pops out.)
Pinkie Pie: Step away from the wagons! Official food-tasters here on official food-tasting business! [starts eating]
Braeburn: [sighs] Well, it ain't gonna be easy. But I think we can whip up these new cookies Twilight wants before sunrise.
Applejack: If anypony can handle some last-minute bakin', Braeburn, it's y'all.
Pinkie Pie: [chomps, gulps]
Braeburn: We brought plenty for the Celebration.
Cream: But if Pinkie keeps eating those pies might be in trouble.
Amy: [Tries to grab Pinkie but no effect] grr..
(Applejack grabs Pinkie's tail and pulls her.)
Pinkie Pie: [chomps, gulps] But I see a suspicious-looking cookie!
Amy: You do realize that these are for the Summer Setback?

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