036 ▍to icerburg's mansion

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- the oceanic metropolis

- the oceanic metropolis

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WHILE YOU were partying in your ship, the strawhats on the other hand are devasted. they have been informed that their ship, the going merry, is nowhere near repairable and that they will have to discard the ship and have a new one. sanji and chopper also is very concerned knowing robin is missing, gone from their sights.

more mortifying is that luffy and nami also found out they lost 200 million beri along with usopp who has been kidnapped by the franky family.

what happened next is just horror to the strawhats, especially the captain and its sniper, former sniper.

iceburg was back in his office, looking through his window as government workers walk away from the headquarters. kalifa knocked asking if he wanted to have some refreshment. the blue haired president sat down as kalifa poured him red tea.

nico robin's bounty posters were posted around his office as if to remind him of something he wanted to remember or know. aside from robin's poster, some of [name]'s bounty posters were also posted in some parts of his office, if you were to ask him why he have them posted. he might never answer your question.

it was around six in the evening when your little party finished, they all tidied up the deck and entered the cabin. the cabin was big enough to be an actual mansion. 

the whole ship does ressemble boa hancock's perfume yuda's cabin architecture but is also different in most parts especially the bow (the ship being a combination of a chinese junk and a european galleon).

still sat elegantly on the figurehead, staring at the setting sun, as darkness swallow the ocean. the air also turned cold but you didn't mind. 

a strong gust of wind came your way, it manage to remove the pin from your hair. gasping your turned to catch it, but someone beat you to it.

"ah. . . thank you, kuro." he hummed as a reply, and tied your hair once again, making sure it was more secure than before. in the vice captain's mind, he was already cursing theo for not tying your hair right this morning.

he then placed his own coat over you, already knowing that it was truly cold out here. "you didn't need to. . ." you grumbled but adjusted the coat to you body, hugging your knees.

kurose only chuckled at your actions as he sat beside you. there was a pregnant pause, only the sound of the waves could be heard and some background noises from the rest inside the cabin.

you liked the silence though, it refreshes your mind. the silence was comforting when your with kurose.

 "so what are you gonna do now," he asked breaking the silence, already knowing the answer.

you sighed, finally standing up. "i'm going to the city." you said as you looked up the sky. your eyes sharpen, no moon was visible in the night sky, it was hidden by the dark clouds. no stars as well. seeing this is something you count as a bad omen, but it is also normal in most times. tonight is just something that gives you the chills, it feels like nothing will be good this certain night.

"do you want me to come with you?" kurose asked. he stood up aswell, adjusting your coat. this man is lowkey babying you everytime he got the chance.

you shook your head, "no, it's alright. i'll go by myself." jumping down the figurehead down to the deck, kurose following suit.

"bring your den den mushi just in case," he insisted, handing you the baby den den mushi to which you accept. "inform the others, i'm heading out, i'll call if something ever happens." he nodded, watching as you jump down the ship on land. when you were out of his sight, he turned off all the lamps on the side of the ship and went inside the cabin to inform the rest.

you decided to not go straight to the city and walked along the shore. though it was quite dark but still manageable. not noticing you already walked for a long while because you can already see the strawhat's ship not far from you.

squinting your eyes as you could hear rattles and shouts inside the ship. it was none of your business to intrude or evesdrop so decided to walk away, not before looking back. 

the next thing you turned, you see a person walked out the ship, with a small figure following behind him that he kept pushing away. 

finally walking away and into the city. whatever happened is there problem, as you already have problems of your own.

skipping your way towards the city, literally jumping from building to building towards the upper level of the city where iceburg's mansion is at. knocking at the main doors, you were surprise that kalifa wasn't the one that welcomed you in but iceburg himself.

"would you like to have some drink? what do you want?" he asked you as he rummaged through his kitchen. "[drink] would be nice." you responded looking around his house. 

"i think i have that somewhere around here. . . ah! i have some crepe cakes left, would you like some?" he didn't need an answer, he was already seeing flowers around him, he already know you'll say yes why'd he even asked.

"well then let's have a seat shall we, i have something to tell you."

legit don't have any titlefor this one

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legit don't have any title
for this one.

well happy holidays everyone!!
as you can see I have survive the
first semester of first year
and praying, hoping that
will survive the second semester
as well.

how are the holidays? they good or
we all just grew up to enjoy
these events in life?

actually this is just an old draft since few months ago, i just wanted to whip
up a quick update as a holiday present for you all.

take care always!!
xoxo, moon

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