1. Darkness

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Rina Stark thought of how this all started. When the Lannisters invaded Winterfell. She wondered now as she sat beside Gendry they had made their way back to the capital. The fucking capital of all the places. It was hard to remember how they got to this point


"If they say the eyes are a window into the soul then what are my eyes telling you tyrion?' Rina had asked Tyrion, she had been looking over his shoulder as he read, reading the passage along with him. He looked up he hadn't noticed her, well he had but he didn't know she was reading his book right over his shoulder.

'Rina, what are you doing?' jon asked

'what? I'm talking literature with Tyrion!' she said, goodness from doing sing songs in brothels to reading with imps she couldn't please her family.

''you reading over his shoulder love?' jon asked grinning. His sister was something else.

'yes, so?' Rina mused. Jon didn't answer and turned back to sharpening his sword. 'so Tyrion what do you think? What are my eyes telling you?' she came around and sat in front of Tyrion, her back to the fire. Sandor sat close by watching her. he had grown quite fond of her over the past few weeks. If he was honest with himself he would admit that he was taken with her since that first drunk night he met her.

''let me see.'' Tyrion put a hand on her chin and tipped her face so it was lit up by the flames light. 'well... i...' he was lost for words. He could only think beautiful. But her soul? He didn't know her soul. He couldn't tell by her eyes.

'let me try then.' She suggested and held tyrions face in her hands, his eyes lit up at she touched his face. A smile on her lips and her head tilting from side to side.

'what do you see my dear?' Tyrion asked.

'I see sadness.' She told him and his smile dropped. 'the want to prove yourself.' His eyes nodded for him, as his face was still in her hands. 'lost... no... a lost love you still pine for... someone you cannot have so you try to fill your mind and your bed with other things... to distract from the pain of losing her.' Tyrion let a tear slip. How could this girl who had only spoken to once know all of this?

'How did you...'

'tyrion can I give you a hug?' she questioned already leaning in to hug him. Once she pulled away she gave his shoulder a squeeze before kissing jons cheek and retiring to her tent for the night.

'how on earth did she know all that? can you see anything in my eyes?' Tyrion questioned watching the girl walk away.

'Rina has always been special.' Jon told him. 'shes not like anyone else... shes wonderful and full of life and love and... she sees things others cant or don't want to... its always been like that... she is truly something else no?''

'yes, truly something else.' Tyrion agreed.

Rina tried to ignore the bitter sadness that filled her at leaving her brothers but the closer they got to the capital the more heart ached. The more she felt like darkness was coming.

'She attacked me!' joffery yelled clutching his wounded arm. Rina watched from the shadows as the prince called her sister awful names, her wolf too.

'what happened?' rina asked sandor. He was a dutiful guard, to her these days she had negotiated it with her father if she was to go to the capital she needed a good guard to protect her. Sandor liked the little wolf better than joffrey. He was always at her side or two steps behind her. he liked working for Rina she was kind and talked to him like a person and not a dog, although she did treat her dogs better then joffery treated him most days.

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