29. Last Time

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''Last time I was here I killed my father with a crossbow." Tyrion remarked as they got to the beaches of kings landing.

"Last time I was here you killed my son with wildfire." Davos countered and Tyrion glanced back at him before they anchored the ship into the sand. "There's a path to the left that hugs the cliff. The guards hardly ever patrol it. Too many steps." Tyrion began walked but noticed Davos following him. Tyrion looked back towards the unattended boat.

"You're not staying here?"

"I've got my own business in Flea Bottom."

"What if someone takes the boat?" Tyrion countered.

"Then we're fucked. Best hurry."

"Ezra, get cleaned up." Rina begged she wiped the flour from her hands as he took a big bite from a chunk of bread. "Save some for daddy." 

"I give it to him!" Ezra declared. 

"Wait for me!" Rina countered "Freeze mister!"  and he froze mid step. Ezra glanced back at her, she cocked her head down at him. 

"Sorry mama." Ezra said he moved back to her side. 

"Okay now we can go," Rina agreed but her feet didnt move, she heard a voice in the back of her mind, she felt something coming, today was the day. She turned around a smirk on her lips. 

"I should have known I would see you again."  Rina remarked as Davos approached. "You here for a bowl of brown?"

"Lady Rina." Davos remarked. ''Let me guess, you saw me coming?" 

"I see a lot now." Rina agreed. 

"Gendry still with you?" Davos questioned. 

"He's looking for daddy," Rina crouched down beside Ezra scooping him up. "Should we bring him to daddy?" 

"Is he nice?" Ezra countered. 

"Smart boy you have there my lady." Davos remarked. 

"Yes he is." Rina agreed she started packing up a bag before turning to Davos. He noticed her grabbing a second bag from behind the counter, toys and trinkets, some clothes filled it. Had she really known he was coming? "Come on then." 

"I wasn't sure I'd find you." Davos remarked. Gendry put down the sword he was working on and turned to Davos. Ezra ran up to him and Gendry scooped him up. "I thought you might still be rowing." he admitted and Gendry chuckled looking to Rina as she leaned against the wooden beam of the little shop. "I looked in shops, taverns, brothels."

"Brothels?" Rina scoffed. 

"Rina is the only one for me." Gendry agreed. 

"I should have known to come straight to the Street of Steel." Davos realized. "But that was more your girl finding me wandering..." 

"You saw him coming." Gendry realized. Rina shrugged. 

"I saw Tyrion actually." Rina corrected. 

"Weren't you worried about the Goldcloaks?" Gendry questioned Davos. 

"I haven't been here in years. Why should they recognize me? Sometimes I hardly do. Nothing fucks you harder than time." Davos walked to the side of the shop and inspects a rack of swords. He pulled one, nodded in approval and puts it back in its place. He turns back to Gendry

"Anybody give you any trouble?"

"Gendry is their golden boy and I make the best tarts in flee bottom, we are model citizens." Rina assured. 

I Can See You / Gendry WatersWhere stories live. Discover now