7. Monster

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Rina felt the pain in her leg. She saw the blood but when her fingers trailed down to it they came back clean.

'Sandor?" she called out in pain. She fell against him but he kept her upright

'Kitten what happened?'

'Sandor my leg...' he turned her to face him and looked at her leg. He lifted up her dress but saw nothing

'What about it? you get hurt?' he questioned

'Its bleeding.' He looked again. It certainly wasnt. 'It hurts.' She slumped to the floor and traced the wound. 'Sandor it hurts' she told him.

'Kitten there aint nothing there love' he put his hand over hers and when he removed it the wound was gone.

'Then whos wound was i seeing?'' Rina asked distantly

Her father lay in bed with a stab wound, right where she had seen it on herself. It was happening. It was happening fast.

'father!' she screamed running to his side leaving sandor at the door.

'hello my little rina.' He coed.

'what happened?'

'is this the death you saw for me love?' she shook her head.

'I felt this though. I felt this pain and my leg.' She rubbed her leg. 'I saw your wound on my body.'

'oh love. This curse you have. I'm so sorry love.'

'what happened?'

'jaime Lannister... he attacked me for Catelyn taking his brother.'

'fucking tart... where is he?' Rina hissed.

'ran off last I heard... Rina I'm gonna be okay... I just need some rest...'

'of course. Of course...' she didnt move though

'this isn't how I die. You said it yourself love.' Ned reminded her.

'of course.' His head rolling from his shoulders replayed in her mind. A crown on jofferys very blonde head and sansa screams.










Sandor got Rina back to her room but before he could get her into the door she collapsed in front of him. He reached for her throwing open the door and bringing her too the bed. It was quick her eyes were open before he knew it.

'The king is going to die' she said through labored breaths.


'Has he already left for his hunting trip?' She panted as sandor rubbed her back

'Yes kitten they left already.'

'Then it is too late.' Rina realized. 'God why is it too late ? why is it always too late?'

'What do you mean kitten?' Sandor asked. Rina plopped down on bed. She had the window open and they were listening to the sound of crickets in the distance it was earie and beautiful all the same time.

'When I see what's to come' She began 'when I see what's about to happen, it's too late to stop it! I can't help anyone I can't save anyone what is the purpose of having this this ability if there is nothing I can do to save the ones I love from dying? It's not fair it doesn't make sense why give a person the power to see death, to predict death if there's nothing anyone can do to stop it!'

'Oh kitten you can't think like that-'

'But I can't see anything before that moment but I see it coming, but I don't know what lead to the death to stop it!' Rina shouted tears in her eyes.

'You can't feel guilty over that, maybe this prophecy that you're seeing maybe it's-'

'It's what? what am I? Because I feel like a monster. I feel like I screwed up messed up monster that can see death.' Rina whimpered.

Banshee. She thought. The omen of death. The angel of death. The wailing woman. She let the tears fall and she cried out.

'No kitten, you are not a monster, you are sweet, kind, perfect maybe it's this place...'' sandor offered.

'What do you mean?'

'I mean... did you have this many prophecies previously when you're back home at Winterfell?'

'No I rarely had them actually but my brother Jon he saw me have a few of them... same with Arya. They never told mother or father... well jon told father. Apparently he has been watching out for me at a distance but I never had a vision in front of him so he thought it was a fluke... everyone always just said I was special. I was different. I could see things that other people couldn't. Like the darkness. I could feel and sense the darkness not just the actual darkness outside but the darkness within people..." Rina whispered.

'Have you always been able to do this?'

'I think so I don't remember when it started but I always remember being there with me like a friend...' Rina offered.

'a friend? Doesn't seem like a good friend kitten.' Sandor countered.

'At first it was like this extra sense of mine it felt like a friend someone helping me guiding me showing me the good and bad in people.' Sandor kissed the top of her head it made her feel safe. 'I could see the darkness within people, in their eyes, their soul, their colors... everyone has colors, they used to be strong. Raging reds and the deepest of blacks. No one had light... but that has faded since the vision took over...' she admitted. everyone had darkness in them, no one was pure, no one was innocent. Jon however, his colors were lighter, which she always thought was funny because he was born of sin and disloyalty.

'And what do you see in me?' He asked curiously looking her over his and his hand trailing up and down her spine

She sat up and straddled him putting her hands on his cheeks and looking him in the eyes

'I see pain lots of pain but I also see joy, happiness, love?'

'Aye love. I love you kitten.'

'Monster and all?'

'People call me a monster... we can be monsters together.'

I Can See You / Gendry WatersWhere stories live. Discover now