13. Lovely Girl

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Tywin wasnt anything like rina expected. He bathed and fed them. He made arya his cup bearer and rina offered to cook and clean for him. Rina found him watching them maybe to see if they would make a mistake to see if they would steal some thing to see if they were tratiors in disguise.

"And I'm sure if those same spies snuck into our own encampments, they would report growing discontent amongst the southern lords.' Tywin told them. 'This is war; No one's content. We've underestimated the Stark boy for too long. He has a good mind for warfare, his men worship him. And as long as he keeps winning battles, they'll keep believing he is King in the North.' Tywin added. 'You've been waiting for him to fail. He is not going to fail, not without our help'. Tywin looked to Rina as she cleaned the dust along the fireplace. She liked the warmth. 'So how do we stop him?'

'We've worked through the night, My Lord.' Reginald reminded Tywin.

'Perhaps we'd profit from some sleep. As I think you would, Reginald. And because you're my cousin, I might even let you wake from that sleep.' Tywin countered 'Go, I'm sure your wife must miss you'

'My wife's in Lannisport.' Reginald reminded him.

'Well, then you'd better start riding. Go before I change my mind and send her your head." Tywin demanded. Rina stifled a laugh. Maybe tywin wasnt so bas. "If your name wasn't Lannister, you'd be scrubbing out pots in the cook's tent. Go!' Tywin declared and Reginald ran off. As arya came to refill his cup. 'Not wine, water. We'll be here for some time.' Arya nodded heading back to get the water jug. 'Girl.' Tywin said after a moments hesitation. 'Where are you from?'

"Maidenpool, My Lord." Arya lied.

'And who are the Lords of Maidenpool? Remind me.' Tywin quizzed

'House Mooton, My Lord.'

'And what is their Sigil?' Tywin questioned, Arya hesitated.

'A red salmon.' Rina answered for her when she hesitated. Arya spared her a nervous glance.

''I think a Maidenpool girl would remember that. You are now from Maidenpool are you?" Tywin pondered. "You're a northerner, aren't you?' Tywin realized. Rina liked that he was a smart man, cunning, he had been winning battles for years, Liked that he could half peg Arya. Arya nodded slightly. 'Good. One more time, where are you from?'

'Barrowton, My Lord. House Dustin. Two crossed long axes beneath a black crown.' Arya answered

'And what do they say of Robb Stark in the North?'

'They call him the young wolf.''

'And?' Tywin urged.

'They say he rides into battle on the back of a giant Direwolf." Rina added. "Right cousin?" Arya nodded.

"They say he can turn into a wolf himself when he wants. They say he can't be killed.' Arya finished proudly.

'And do you believe them?' Tywin questioned

'No, My Lord. Anyone can be killed.' Arya answered locking eyes with his harsh gaze.

'Fetch that water.' Tywin demanded slowly. "You are dismissed too girl." Rina ran off looking for gendry.

Jaqen made his way to herrenhal enjoying the Lannister army when he comes across arya again. He figured he could do some good in the name of the many faced God while he was here.

'A girl says nothing? A girl keeps her mouth closed no one hears.... but her friends may talk in secret yes?' Jaqen asked as arya stood nervously before him. 'A boy becomes a girl.' Jaqen noted with her change of clothes.

'I was always a girl.' she corrected snottily.

"You look good working man." Rina remarked coming up to gendry.

"well look at you. You look like a real lady!' hot pie exclaimed. Looking over her clean hair and new dress.

'yeah well I feel like a tramp.' Rina admitted.

"No you look beautiful." Gendry assured. He put down his tools and moved to Rina hugging her.

'And I was always aware. But a girl keep secrets it is not for a man to spoil them.' Jaqen told her.

''You're one of them now? I should've let you burn!' Arya said handing him off his helmet off the water barrel.

''And you fetch water for one of them now.' Jaqen noted, 'why is this right for you and wrong for me?''

"Is lord Tywin treating you right? He didn't touch you or anything did he? He didn't hurt you?" Gendry asked.

" no, he's been surprisingly kind." Rina admitted. " treats as well. Despite what arya might say." She teased.

'I didn't have a choice.' Arya sassed

'You did. I did. And here we are.' Jaqen told her simply. 'a man pays his debts a man owes three.'

'Three what?' Arya asked

'The red god takes what is his from a lovely girl and only death may pay for life.' Jaqen explained. 'You saved me and the two I was with, you store three deaths from the red god. We have to give them back.' Arya looked at him confused. 'Speak three names and a man will do the rest. Three lives I will give you no more no less. Then we are done.'

'I can name anyone? And you will kill him?' arya questioned hesitantly, it seemed too good to be true.

'A man has said.' he agreed.

"Who is arya with?" Hot pie questioned.

"A guard." Gendry noticed. Rina spun around. What was her little sister doing with a guard? A Lannister guard at that.

" excuse me boys I gotta make sure she's not getting into trouble." Rina remarked pressing a kiss to gendrys cheek.

'The man who tortures everyone.' Arya told him

'A man needs a name.' Jaqen told her.

'I don't know his name...' arya said thinking it through, 'they call him the tickler.' She offered

'That is enough.' Jaqen agreed, 'go now girl your master is thirsty.' she walked away with her jug of water, now all she had to do was wait and see if this Jaqen H'ghar would keep his word.

"Arya?" Rina questioned as she sulked off. Rina looked to the man she was speaking with. "Hello..."

"Hello." He answered assessing her.

"What were you and my..." rina waved a hand. "Talking about."

"Death lovely girl. Death." He answered before walking off.

I Can See You / Gendry WatersWhere stories live. Discover now