3. I Told You So

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'she is in love.' On of sansas handmaidens coed as a heard of maids walked down the hall. Sansa and joffery is who she was referring to. rina groaned at the thought.

She wasnt in love. She just wanted to be queen. Rina knew her sisters best. Arya was going to be a warrior. Sansa the queen. What was rina going to be besides the bringer of death?

'we are going to the sept tomorrow are you excited?' sansa said running in to rinas room all smiles.

'sept for prayer... so much fun...' arya said unenthusiastically.

'I don't think we should go...' rina admitted ominously.

'we have to go, plus it would be good to see where joffery and I will marry!' sansa said happily.

'yes... lovely...' again a very bored arya said.

'I think we should stay in. explore without the royals watching us like ravens tomorrow...' rina insisted. 'wouldn't that be more fun?'

'I'm going.' Sansa told them. 'but you two have fun exploring!' sansa said leaving them.

'AWESOME! I saw a cat running around the palace maybe I can catch it syrio said-'

'we are going.' Rina corrected.

'what? No but you just said!' Arya begged.

'we are going.'

'what about your bad feeling?' Arya asked.

'what?' rina asked.

'isnt that why you don't want to go? Because you got a bad feeling? Like something bad about to happen?' Adya questioned. Rina sighed her sister was an observant one.

'yes. But I fear something worse will happen if we do not go with sansa.' Rina remarked.

'so we are going? Like... really going? No convincing you otherwise?' arya asked flopping aginst the bed.

'I will let you know if that feeling changes alright love?' Rina countered.

'Agh! This place is ruining my life!' arya exclaimed.

Sansa's love diminished for the prince though, the more she saw who he really was, who rina and arya saw from the beginning the less she wanted to be the next queen. The sept was another domino in the joffrey downfall.

A riot. A riot was the first step in the wrong direction for them.

'kill, them! Kill them all!' joffery demanded.

'this is why I don't go to the sept.' arya muttered.

'take them!' rina pushed arya towards sandor. 'go with him now, I will grab sansa. We will be right behind you!' sandor didn't like that one bit but rina shoved him forward. 'SANSA! SANSA!' she called over the noise. Over the screams and fights and the kings guards coming down on people. Then she heard it. Her sisters screams.

'RINA!' she yelled over the sound of her attackers.

'SANSA!' she yelled seeing her on the ground. She didn't have any weapons on her. she jumped on the mans back, the one with his cock in his hand. He screamed and tried to grab her, he reached around and pulled her to the ground. 'BACK THE FUCK OFF!' rina yelled, she punched one man holding sansa down and grabbed his dagger, she plunged it into his eye. 'I SAID BACK THE FUCK OFF!' she yelled again pulling sansa to her feet. 'WE ARE LEAVING!' she told them but they were not moving. She adjusted her grip on the knife. Too many of them. Too many. She put herself between sansa and the men, they would have to go through her first.

But a blade went through the first man and the next 3 fell quickly after. Sansa clutched to rina's dress, hiding her eyes but sansa heard everything. Every stab and stroke of the blade, the blood gushing from them. She prayed their savior wasn't going to turn around and attack them next but rina smiled.

'hey kitten... this is why you don't go running off without me.' Sandor remarked.

'is arya okay?' Rina countered.

'back at the capital... don't worry kitten.' Sandor agreed. She tried to move to hug him but sansa had a firm grip on her dress keeping her in place.

'sansa, look... its sandor. He wont hurt us... come on. lets go back... sansa?' she was frozen in place. 'paralyzed with fear.' Rina said looking her over.

'I got her.' he slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

'hey,' she kept them in the room where they were attacked and hugged him, sansa on his shoulder still, he wrapped an arm around Rina. 'thank you sandor.'

'I'm supposed to keep ya safe and you go and run off during a fucking raid.' He muttered. 'I'm keeping a hand on ya, don't want ya disappearing again.' He kept a hand on her shoulder as they moved, rina kept the dagger tightly gripped in her hand as they moved through the city.

When they got back arya hugged them both tight and then she saw the blood on rinas hand.

'RINA! Your hand!' arya exclaimed.

'Oh I'm fine...' she said wiping her hand on her dress. Sandor stepped closer pulling her hand up to him. 'its not my blood.' She said quietly.

'sansa? Are you okay?' arya asked moving to their still shaking sister. Ned had appeared. Holding his daughter close. He looked over at rina and then sandor he offered sandor a small smile before looking back to rina.

'shes gonna need some rest, but shes okay. We both are.' Rina told him.

'Rina got there just in time... oh father they were going to... oh father!' sansa cried out. Rina knew that feeling, the feeling of hopelessness and fear and anger and she hated it.

Rina knew what sansa was feeling and she was grateful that sandor came, she didn't know if she could beat them all. She didn't know if sandor had not been assigned to her... it would have ended differently. She was confident in that.

That's why she loved that arya wanted to learn to fight and would train her regularly once father allowed her defend herself. But sansa had no interest in fighting, maybe she would want to know the basics now, something to help in case anything happened again.

'you were right.' Arya whispered. 'we shouldn't have gone. We should have stayed.'

'too late for I told you so Ary.' Rina said looking over at her father, he had stayed to work, the king was nowhere to be seen as her usual and joffery was screaming about the dung in his hair. "Too late for I told you so."

I Can See You / Gendry WatersWhere stories live. Discover now