17. Hound

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'and so he spoke that lord of hand but not the roads.... with no ones heart to hear it.' Thoros sung out. Before Alfie shot an arrow through the stone walls. 'whats lurking there? a lion? A wolf?' thoros called out.

'let loose a few more shots.' Fynn told Alfie and he got his bow ready when a girl stood up.

'Don't.' she requested. Arya stepped into the light revealing herself as Thoros got closer.

'Put the sword down Girl.'

'you wanna go down the road you just keep on singing so we know where you are.' she declared holding her tiny sword threateningly at him. 'leave us be and I won't kill you.' Thoros and the brotherhood without banners started chuckling.

"You think you can banshee their asses?" Hot pie whispered. Rina rolled her eyes. 

"I can't control it." Rina corrected. "I was scared when Gendry was hurt, I just screamed." 

"I'm grateful or else I would have had a rat eating through my chest." Gendry agreed. 

'Very generous of you...' Thoros told her 'you are a dangerous person I like dangerous people.' Thoros told her 'Why are your friends so shy?'

'What friends?' she lied.

'The fat one to your left and the lump beside him and the little lady.'' Fynn spoke up. Arya looked to them and they begrudgingly came into the light as well standing on guard beside her ready for a fight. As thoros jumped down over the wall towards them the rest of the brotherhood followed.

'Four young ones on the run, wielding castle made swords... Did you escape from Harrenhal?' thoros questioned.

"Why do you care?" Rina countered. 

'Who are you?' Arya retorted.

'Thoros of myr -'

'Who do you fight for?' Arya snapped

'The brotherhood without banners.' he told her. 'now come along I wanna hear how two boys and a very dangerous girl escaped Herrenhal.'

'I'm not going with them... the brotherhood that's who the men were looking for... they'll bring us back to them and put rats inside us!' Hot pie whimpered. 

''you have got nothing to fear from us.' Thoros assured, Rina didnt know if she believed him. 'the men of Westeros want to burn the countryside we are trying to save it.' Thoros added. 'Now come on we will talk some more over brown bread and stew. Then we will let you go on your merry way.' but they didn't move thoros looked back at Alfie he got his bow ready launching an arrow into the sky.

'Here's the thing...' Alfie went on, 'when I'm done talking that arrow is going to fall down on your fat head so I advise you move because I am done talking.' Alfie smirked as Rina gave fat pie a yank back pulling him out of the way just in time for the arrow came landing right in the spot he stood. He looked to the brotherhood thoroughly terrified.

'Half the country is starving and look at this one.' Fynn remarked.

'Yes he is the reason.' thoros agreed with a laugh as Alfie hoisted him over the wall.

As Arya, Rina, Gendry, and Hot Pie flee from Harenhal and continue making their way to Riverrun they are intercepted by the Brotherhood without banners. While Arya has learned many things from her two mentors, Syrio Forel, and Tywin Lannister, she is still not clever enough or tough enough to escape such a large group of battle-tested warriors.

'fucking men.' Rina muttered. 'if women were in charge we wouldn't have such shit happening to us all the damn time!' she hissed.

'Rina can you try not to insult the men that look like they could kill us with a stick?' hot pie asked. Thoros smirked back at them. 

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