36. Hero

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"Gendry... thats right isnt it?' dany asked at the survivors banquet, thats what Rina was calling it at least. 

'Yes your grace' gendry said turning to her.

'Your Robert Baratheons son...' he nodded 'you realize he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered right?'' Rina stood up ready to beat this girls ass. 

''I did not know he was my father until after he was dead' gendry told her.

''Yes. He is dead. His brothers are too, so who is Lord of storms end now?' she questioned.

'I don't know your grace' gendry admitted he hadn't thought about it. He was focused on Rina and Ezra and this battle, not the future. Which was silly considering Rina saw the future. 

'Does anyone? I think you should be the lord of storms end.' Dany told him

'I can't be. Im a bastard' he told her

'No, you are lord gendry baretheon the lawful son of Robert Baratheon because that is what I have made you,' she told him and he stood speechless, he looked back at Rina and a proud smile crossed her face. 

"Clap for daddy," She whispered to Ezra and he clapped out. 

'To the Lord Gendry Baratheon of storms End' Davos said and everyone stood up raising a glass to him

'Fitting reward for a hero' Tyrion told her 'clever giving him that position.'

'See you're not the only one that's clever' Daenerys told him.

"Wow, lord of storms end." Rina declared. "You arent going to get a big head now are you?" 

"You still want a fancy lord like me?" Gendry questioned. 

"You know Baratheon and Stark have been united for years but the last time the two were supposed to be wed was my aunt and your father. Seems about time we got it." Rina assured. "Congratulations."

"Does that mean we dont have to stay in the north?" Gendry begged. 

"You and Ezra need the sun and I have grown used to it, after this war, we go check out our new home." Rina suggested. Gendry hugged her. 

"Winterfell is beautiful." Gendry assured. 

"You are southern boys." Rina agreed.  "I got snow in my veins." 

"Best wife ever," Gendry declared. 

"Should I start calling you my lord?"


'This is clever even better than the saddle I designed for you,' tyrion said admiring brans wheelchair.

'It is the same model that a Targaryen used hundreds of years ago for his crippled son, I liked that one.' Bran answered. 

''You know history better than anyone it will be useful as lord of Winterfell.' Tyrion told him.

'I am not lord of Winterfell.' Bran reminded him and rina squeezed his shoulder. Bran would make a good lord of winterfell, he was smart and kind and had worldly knowledge that the rest of them didn't know anything about, probably would never know about. Some secrets were best kept in the past.

'You are the only true born son of Ned Stark left... You don't want it though?'

'I don't really want anymore' bran told him

'I envy you,' tyrion told him.

'you shouldn't envy me I mainly look to the past.' Bran told him. 'rina however looks to the future.''

"Yes I do want to know more about that..." Tyrion agreed. "You were always a special one, Jon said it himself."

"I am." Rina agreed as she headed down. 

'To the dragon queen!' tormond yelled.

'To Rina stark the hero of winterfell!' dany countered rising a glass to her.

'a hero!' rina said smiling up at sandor. "You are sitting in the presence of the hero of winterfell.' Rina said flipping her hair over her shoulder. 'are you falling even more in love with me by the second?' she teased.

'aye,' sandor agreed. 'but don't let this hero thing give you a bigger head.' He teased.

'Mama!'' Ezra shouted. 

"Sandor did you meet Ezra? I forget." 

"Aye, he's a cute kid." Sandor agreed. "That man of your nearly froze to death north of the wall." 

"Yeah, well..." Rina shrugged. "I'm glad he didnt." 

'you don't look happy,' sansa said sitting opposite of them.

'There is only One thing that could make me happy.' Sandor was telling sansa.

'What is that?'

'None of your fucking business...' sansa stared at him. Rina pinched his arm, mouthing be nice. 'before you couldn't look at me'. It was funny how some friendships just picked right back up no matter the time or distance. 

''That was a long time ago' sansa admitted.

'It certainly was... heard you were broken and heard you were broken in rough.' He told her.

'And he got what he deserved I gave it to him.' sansa told him


'Hounds' she told him and sandor grinned. His sigil was a hound.

'Hounds!' rina exclaimed. 'damnit why I don't see any of the fun deaths! I would have liked to see that.' rina admitted.

'fun deaths?' sansa questioned.

'I will catch you up later, we've been busy... did you hear the queen called me a hero!' rina repeated.

'I'm never gonna hear the end of that.' sandor muttered.

'my sister the hero.' Sansa repeated grabbing rina's hands across the table.

"Thanks for taking care of Ezra," Rina added. 

"He's a sweet kid, kept me calm." Sansa assured. 

"He does a good job of that." Rina agreed. 

'You've changed a little bird' Sandor told her 'none of it would've happened if you left Kings Landing with me no little finger no Ramsay none of it' sandor reminded her.

'Without Ramsey and little finger I would've stayed a little bird all my life' she told him getting up and walking away.

'shes right.' Rina said once she left them alone again. 'she was a delicate breakable little thing. She broke, she was broken, but shes stronger for it. She knows how to play the game now. For better or worse she needed to grow she needed to learn about the world and the ruthlessness of it to stop being that little breakable thing, the little bird everyone thought she was.'

'seems like it.' Sandor agreed.

'but she was never a bird, I always hated that. little bird.' Rina hissed. 'Cersei and you called her little bid, little dove, she was and always will be a wolf. She was just a pup before but now shes a fierce as Ghost himself.' 

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