20. Worse Than Death

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"What are you doing?" Arya questioned coming up to Gendry as he mended Beric's armor.

"Just mending Lord Beric's armor." He answered looking up at her.

"Why?" She demanded.

"I'm going to stay on and smith for the Brotherhood." Gendry remarked. Rina stared back at him a miserable look on her face.

"Have you lost your mind? When the Lannisters find this place, you think they'll spare the smiths? They'll cave your head in with your own helmet

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"Have you lost your mind? When the Lannisters find this place, you think they'll spare the smiths? They'll cave your head in with your own helmet." Arya demanded.

"The Lannisters wanted to kill me long before I joined the Brotherhood." Gendry corrected.

"You don't have to do this." Arya whispered.

"You will be safe with us." Rina agreed.

"I want to. They need good men." Gendry corrected he couldnt meet her gaze though.

"Robb needs good men, too. We're leaving tomorrow. And then you-"

"What? Serve him? I've served men my entire life. I served Master Mott at King's Landing and he sold me to the Watch. I served Lord Tywin at Harrenhal, wondering every day if I'd get tortured or killed. I'm done serving." Gendry declared.

"Gendry." Rina held onto his hand. "You wouldnt have to serve Robb, you could be safe there. We could stay together be safe together." Rina corrected.

"You just said you were serving Lord Beric." Arya sassed.

"He may be their leader, but they chose him. These men are brothers. They're a family. I've never had a family." Gendry whispered.

" I can be your family." Rina corrected softly.

"Yeah, you can be our family." Arya agreed.

"You wouldn't be my family. You'd be 'my lady'." Gendry corrected stubbornly. Arya marched off. Rina's feet twisted in the dirt.

"You could be my Gendry." Rina remarked. 

"Rina, I love you but there is no place for me-"

"Beside me?" Rina questioned. "Because I'm a lady and you are a not a highborn lord? Because I dont care about that Gendry, I care about you!"  


 "Joffrey. Cersei. Ilyn Payne."

"You're good. You're not as good as you think you are." Anguy remarked watching her practice.

"Face, tits, balls- I hit 'em right where I wanted to." Arya corrected. Rina rolled her eyes. Gendry and her had kept their distance as much as Rina hated to she hated that she might be losing him too. 

"Aye, but you took your sweet time of it. You won't be fighting straw men, little lady. Show me your position."

Arya pulled back the bow and he corrected her form.

I Can See You / Gendry WatersWhere stories live. Discover now