19. Vibrant

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''clearly said on that note you will be paid in full when the war is over.'

'oh piss on that, your thieves.' Sandor spat at them.

''we are outlaws. Outlaws steal. Youre lucky we didn't kill ya.' Thoros reminded him.

'come try and I will send those antlers up yer ass!' sandor yelled. Sandor looked to a still unconscious Rina in Gendry's arms. "I'm taking them with me." 

"No you're not." Thoros corrected. 

"Like hell I'm not." Sandor countered. 

'you cant let him go, hes a murderer, hes guilty!' Arya yelled.

'not in the eyes of the gods.' Beric said calmly. 'the judgment isn't ours to make.''

"We would never go with you!" Arya spat. 

"Maybe we let your sister decide. She always liked me." Sandor corrected. 

'go in peace sandor Clegane.'' Beric countered blocking his path. 'the lord of light isn't done with you yet.' Beric added.

"I'm not going anywhere until Rina wakes up." Sandor corrected. 

"I can' protect Rina." Gendry corrected. 

"Can you now boy?" Sandor countered. "Because from where I'm standing you look just as hopeless and lost as these fire fuckers." Gendry tensed. 

"I love her!" Gendry demanded. "We don't need you. Go before Arya rips you apart." Arya nodded in agreement. Sandor hesitated. 

"Tell her..." Sandor sighed looking to Rina still motionless. "Tell her I'm sorry." Sandor requested before he headed out, he didnt look back. 

That night gathered around the fire in the caves, shadows flickering around them. Arya peeled back an eyelid and saw the whites of rina's eyes, she hadnt been out this long in a long time. 

'Joffrey, cersei, llyn payne, ser meryn,-'

'what are you saying arya?' Thoros questioned.

'the list of people I'm going to kill.' Arya told him.

'We will ride for the riverrunn tomorrow your brother is there.' Thoros told her 'they will make a contribution to our cause and you can go.''

''I am a hostage ...you're selling me?' arya questioned

'"And your sister but don't think of it that way.' Beric told her from across the fire.

'But it is that way.' Arya corrected. 

''It is.' Thoros agreed 'but it isn't.''

''What is and isn't?' arya sassed.

''Beric owes your father a great deal you know,' thoros went on.

''So why don't you just let me  and Rina go?''

''We need the gold.' Thoros told her simply.

Rina's eyes moved under her eyelids rapidly as she shook slightly on the ground, Gendry wrapped his arms around her trying to keep her warm as he moved closer to the fire. 

Sansa was being beaten in front of the court.

Sansa married Tyrion.

Sansa saw joffery die.

Sansa ran. She flew the city. She was on a boat, now a larger boat.

Petyr Bealish was there. she was moving... she was going somewhere... waves upon waves of ocean brought her back. She saw sansa but not here but she would be here... Thats the connection. She saw whats to come, sansa would come here this region, she would be here, not the cave. Rina looked around she was in the tavern again. Sansa would stop and eat. She would be here but when?

I Can See You / Gendry WatersWhere stories live. Discover now